Sometimes the enemy of your enemy IS your friend. Even if only to defeat a monolith. It seems to me, that for the furtherance of Conservatism, “Conservative Inc.” must be exposed, fully and without mercy. They are charlatans, attempting to gather strength in numbers...Cont
By subverting the ideals of conservatism, in order to destroy it. Now, the whole purpose of having a two party system is to at least not have a ONE PARTY SYSTEM. That means there must at least be a distinction between the two parties. Now....
As the Groyper movement has gained attention, it has exposed Conservative Inc. *I am doing my best to make this thread make sense, so bear with me.* For the sake of argument, Let’s just pretend that the Groypers are a white nationalist group. what?...Cont.
What if a “Black Nationalist” group happened to take up the fight against Conservative Inc as well? Too late. What about a Feminist movement against progressivism? What would that look like? Can you IMAGINE women fighting against the trans movement’s involvement in sports?...Cont
Women fighting for privacy in locker rooms? Fighting to keep children from being exposed to hormone blockers? Fighting back against the concept that ANYONE can be a woman? TOO LATE.
What about a MEN’s rights movement, fighting back against the concept that ANYONE can be a man? TOO LATE. Progressivism is not about acceptance it is about ASSIMILATION. It seeks to destroy the “concepts” of racial identity, religion, gender, Nationalism..Cont..
It seeks to erase our history. ALL OF IT. In favor of a “Utopian” society in which all are “equal” all of us are the same. White men are not the only victims of this erasure. We see white people being lambasted in media at an alarming rate, but what of black identity? Cont.
I watched, and listened intently to @HotepJesus explaining his justified anger towards the Blexit movement, and its lack of concern with Black identity (I’m not PC eat it), and history. What more is Blexit than a separate place to house “conservatives” who happen to be black...
If there is nothing Afrocentric within Blexit..How is it anything but a talking point? Where is the pride? What is the point? Why is it not just “conservatism”? Is that not enough? We are all being led to the same troughs. Conservative Inc wants you to relinquish your heritage...
It wants you to forget about your tired old beliefs and embrace the New System, the system of “tolerance“. Like many others, this word’s meaning has been twisted and stretched into something nearly unrecognizable. I will not Tolerate my daughter changing in front of boys..Cont
I WILL NOT TOLERATE young white boys and men being treated as racist, rapists, and blights... before they even understand the words. There is a heavy price to pay for “tolerance” these days. If a black man is not willing to fight for his people to maintain a cultural identity...
If a Woman is not willing to fight to protect her children, and the reality of her gender... They all deserve what comes. We must all fight for our communities. We must have pride in our cultures. We must remember our history. We can do this and be Nationalists at the same time.
I am thankful that people are standing up for THEIR PEOPLE. No one else will do that for us. Certainly not our schools or our government. The moment you disregard WHO YOU ARE to fight against a monolith, you and those fighting with you BECOME that monolith...
To complete this rant. Take pride in your race, your culture, your gender, your religion. Learn about it. Fight for it. Don’t let them take it. We will not eat bugs, we will not live in pods, we will not forget. God Bess America.
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