I won't back a candidate, but I'd like to see them all commit to steps to restore ethics by pledging to:
1. divest all major assets
2. release complete tax returns for 10 years
3. renounce nepotism and encourage family members to avoid the appearance of conflicts of interest
4. go beyond minimum disclosure requirements by disclosing all discretionary trusts and by disclosing all debts of businesses in which they (or they and their family combined) own a controlling share
5. back sweeping ethics reforms, including increased transparency measures
6. refuse to appoint major donors to ambassador positions
7. lay out a detailed plan for exactly how they will address their own conflicts of interest before the first primary
8. reduce the number of lobbyists in government and provide written explanations if they make exceptions
9. publicly reprimand appointees who commit minor ethics violations and fire those who commit significant ethics violations
10. strengthen merit system protections so we have a strong career civil service to uphold laws if future administrations go astray
11. advocate for stronger whistleblower protections laws
12. restore the independence of the Justice Department with regard to individual investigations and prosecutions
13. foster a top-down culture of ethics in government through regular visible outward support of the program
14. bar golden parachute payouts from employers (any payment appointees wouldn't have received if they weren't going into government), including payments received just before entering government
15. increase the amount of ethics information proactively released online
16. foster a culture of appointees avoiding perks and declining gifts that provide donors with disproportionate access to high level officials
17. ensure adequate resources for ethics programs and Inspectors General (IGs)
18. fill vacant Senate-confirmed positions, including IGs
19. combat foreign election interference, fight voter suppression, and advocate for campaign finance reform
20. respect the free press
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