Good morning Patriots! I am going to compile a list of subjects that sheeple need to be awake on. I'm sure most of you know most of these but be sure to look through may find something new to do some digging on. 1. Bohemian Grove/who is invited?/human hunting
2. Prescott Bush/ Funded Germans/Trading with the enemy act
3. Who is George Scherff Jr?
4. Who is Tim Osman?
5. What was Operation Northwoods? 9/11 playbook?
6. Operation Paperclip/where did all the war criminals go?
7. What letter is formed at JFK burial site?
8. Is there really a heart attack gun? Try 1975
9. Mena Coverup/who was governor?
10. Who was Loretta Fuddy? Drowned by frogman? Look for video.
11. John Kasich video says about McCain "when he was put to death"
12. Five Eyes/ Pine Gap/ You spy, I spy, we all spy
13. The Ninth Circle/UK version of Jeffrey Epstein?
14. Operation Brownstone/Barney Franks/ Lawrence King
15. Michael Aquino/Presidio Child Care Center
16. White House Call Boy Scandal 1989
17. Watergate or Pedogate?
18. Where is this?
19. Barbara Bush/ Aleister Crowley?
20. The Titanic/Who got on the boat? Who didn't? Why?
21. Little Saint James Island/how many levels?
22. Georgia Guidestones
23. Committee of 300
24. Club of Rome
25. 13 bloodlines
26. PNAC/A New Pearl Harbor
27. Gulf of Tonkin incident/ did not happen
28. The speech that got JFK killed/April 27, 1961
29. Clinton Says the pentagon bombed/look for video
30. Danny Casolaro did not commit suicide
31. Epstein didn't either
32. Indian reservations bad things happen there/Robert Booth nichols/ Cabazon Indian Reservation
33. Walt Disney Club 33
34. Max Spiers/dead black goo
35. William Cooper killed/Behold a Pale Horse
36. Anderson Cooper/CIA asset
37. Where is this?
38. Adrenochrome/ how is it made?
39. What does expired EpiPens produce?
40. Rachel Chandler
41. The Finders
42. Operation Midnight Climax
43. D.E.W. 1/ D.E.W.2
45. Tuskegee Experiment
46. Gelatin B thing
47. BB 18
48. 9/11 cab driver
49. Laura Silsby Gayler/Amber Alert
50. Red Shoe Club
51. Barry Soetoro
53. Red Cross/human trafficking
54. DYNCORP/human trafficking
55. Planned Parenthood/baby parts
56. Tony Rodham/Haiti
57. Arbusto Energy
58. 9/11 Ritz Carlton/Carlyle meeting
59. Wirt Walker/Marvin Bush
60. Marina Abramović
61. Obama and Wendy Nixon
62. NXIVM/sex trafficking
63. Spirit Cooking
65. William Cooper 9/11 prediction
66. Ted Gunderson
67. Danny Casolaro/ The Octopus
68. Trilateral Commission
69. Operation Mockingbird
70. Adam Schiff /& Standard Hotel
71. Loop Capital/pay to play
72. Las Vegas shooting /Saudi Prince Al-Waleed/CIA
73. Las Vegas shooting/ Jason Aldean tattoo
74. Phoenix Program
75. Project Bluebird
76. Project Artichoke
77. Project 1794
78. A 1952 CIA memo titled: “LOBOTOMY and Related Operations”
79. Project MK-NAOMI
80. 1968–1973: MK-OFTEN
81. 1974: Seymour Hersh exposes HUGE CIA spying on Americans
82. Stargate project
83. Agenda 21/30
84. Geoengineering
85. Illuminati Card game
86. Silent weapons for quiet wars
87. Utah Data Center
88. Vault 7
I will be back later with some more
Peace out
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