Non-art update for a change. Recently, I've made a heavy move towards a less digital life, one that engages my brain away from screens more often. I've started trying to read some French children's books with the aid of a dictionary,
and I can actually understand maybe 30%-40% as it is without one --but PLEASE do not talk to me in French. I'm not at that point, so it's just off-putting right now. In addition, I removed access to any and all news outlets on my phone and computer and subscribed to a newspaper.
I do also listen to the news on the radio for a bit more balance. I found a few pen-pals not connected to the furry community; people completely different from me as far as who they are and their experiences in life, from around the world. I write my letters on the typewriter and
seal them with wax which is a lot of fun. My love of reading, which used to define me above anything else, is returning. I think reading the news on the newspaper as opposed to blurbs of breaking (often incorrect) news on a tiny screen as they happen has had the biggest impact in
this regard. I could tell over the years that my brain had somehow been negatively impacted by the Internet; I simply could no longer concentrate enough to read as I had before (where I averaged a couple of 300 page books a week, down to maybe two a year --an alarming change!)
My vocabulary, once expansive enough to warrant teasing, had also declined. It is improving now, as is my overall concentration. I'm doing simple pen & paper puzzle books, as well as playing games/doing jigsaw puzzles with my husband. Going to used book stores is exciting again.
My drawing speed has increased to the point at which a few of my commissioners have already commented on. So much of my time has been wasted following Twitter drama or reading breaking news, afraid of missing something important. My days are now much more peaceful and productive.
Anyway sorry for the long thread, I feel I've been too quiet about the recent changes and just wanted to share.
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