Despite our talk of “equality”, the reality is that societies will generally put up with having elites, and even (to a degree) the assumption of lese majeste on their part.

What it will not tolerate for long is that state of affairs w/ little to no accompanying noblesse oblige.
No matter the external form of government, some form of “aristocracy” always exists - in EVERY society ever.

When that aristocracy becomes venal, corrupt, decadent, lacking in self-control, and self-serving, then down the tubes they go to be replaced by another one.
The mechanism by which this happens historically varies (conquest by another king, dictators good or bad arising, revolution or unrest followed by some other powerful persons seizing the reins)

But the pattern is pretty unavoidable so far as I can tell.
There is really no such thing as pure “power to the people”, y’all. That doesn’t actually exist other than very very briefly on a historic scale.

What *is* possible is leaders who are responsive to and feel a duty towards the people. Or not.
Input mechanisms from the masses - whether that input mechanism be voting or something else - only works well when you have a reasonably decent elite class.
This has been your daily dose of “set aside what political and governmental forms it may take (because those vary) and observe how human societies actually behave”
And if there is a single point of agreement that I’ve seen among thoughtful people on both left and right - regardless of worldview and policy disagreements - it’s that our elite classes at the moment SUCK SO BAD.
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