One of my favourite stories of Islamic history is the acceptance of Islam by Hind binte Utbah. I am fascinated and enthralled by this story. We all know who Hinda was. She was the wife of Abu Sufyan(he was one of Arabia's richest men and Huzoor S.A.W's distant cousin). She was>
>one of the Prophet's fiercest enemies. Her greatest act of emnity is remembered in history for it's violence and barbarism. Hazrat Hamza R.A. had killed her brother and father in the Ghazwa e Badr. Hind commanded her slave, Wehshi ibn Harb to track and kill Hazrat Hamza in>
>the battle of Uhad. He succeeded, When he had killed Hazrat Hamza, Hind quenched her revenge by cutting open and chewing the liver of Hazrat Hamza. She is said to have climbed a rock and shrieked at the top of her voice the following words:
"We have paid you back for Badr
>a war that follows a war is always violent.
I could not bear the loss of Utbah
nor my brother and his uncle and my first-born.
I have slaked my vengeance and fulfilled my vow.
You, O Wahshy, have assuaged the burning in my breast.
I shall thank Wahshy as long as I live
until my>
>bones rot in the grave"

it was recorded by Abdullah ibn Mas’ud that, “We have never seen the Messenger of Allah weeping so much as he was for Hamza bin ‘Abdul Muttalib. He directed him towards Al-Qiblah, then he stood at his funeral and sobbed his heart out.”

>it must be said here, in spite of her emnity with Islam, she had a fierce sense of honour, a steely determination and unwavering belief.

When Makkah was finally conquered. Hind wanted to accept Islam. But Abu Sufyan was afraid the Prophet S.A.W. might get angry at her so she>
>wore a veil. There are different narrations as to what words were used but when she, along with the women, accepted Islam in front of Rasool S.A.W., she took off her veil because of her sense of self respect. When our Rasool S.A.W. saw her, he is said to have said to her , :

>"By Allah (swt), there was no house on earth that I wanted to destroy more than your house. Now, there is no house on earth that I so dearly wish to honour and raise in glory than yours.”

Our Prophet S.A.W. forgave her. He forgave the womam who chewed his uncle's liver. This >
>is how our Prophet was. This is the man who gave us our deen and the shining example we should follow. Why aren't we more like him?
>>>> (plus) Would like to add a small waqiya to this thread. It is said Hind was present in the battle of Yarmuk. At one point, arrows started raining and Abu Sufyan turned his horse around. Hind struck his horse in the face with a tent-peg and said:
“Where do you think you’re going, O Sakhr? Go back to battle and put effort into it until you compensate for having incited people in the past against Muhammad.” An arrow later hit Abu Sufyan in the eye and he became blind. She was a strong women indeed, in all facets.
This is a much better, more academic thread about Hind. Do read
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