1. Your ability to exist as a person or as a nation or as any distinct thing in nature is your ability to be UNEQUAL

You are UNEQUAL to your surroundings

You have skin and an immune system which keep you separate

When you become EQUAL to your surroundings it's cuz you're dead
2. A particular tribe in nature is by definition a group of humans that is somehow UNEQUAL to the other groups of humans around it

Denying them their ability to be UNEQUAL somehow is denying them their ability to exist as a tribe
3. You have a government-issued national ID number which is UNEQUAL to every other national ID in the country

A government that tells you "no you can't have a special ID you are just citizen X" is a government refusing to recognize you as a distinct person
4. Your identity is by definition something that is distinct and separate and UNEQUAL

Someone who denies you your ability to be distinct and different is someone who is denying you your ability to have an identity
5. So when ***s preach your EQUALITY they don't do it because they're nice

What they are doing is denying you an identity
6. What they are saying when they preach your EQUALITY is that you are not special, you are not different, and you certainly in no way deserve a COUNTRY based on your national identity because you have none

You are simply EQUAL cattle
7. The only group of people on Earth allowed to have an identity or consider themselves unique or special or different in any way according to their religion and worldview is THEM

Everyone else is "EQUAL"
8. The implication of everyone forced to be EQUAL is that nobody has the right to consider themselves a separate distinct sovereign nation with any sovereignty over any piece of land or resources

Everyone equal = no sovereign nations = no countries = nobody gets to own anything
9. And this is the endgame of J**aism

A world that belongs to nobody

Except to ***s

Who are the only group of people on Earth allowed to have an identity and be separate and distinct and be UNEQUAL
10. This is the essence of "globalism" or "multiculturalism" or "communism" or whatever you want to call it

I call it J**aism

This is why they spend so much time and money trying to mix all the countries up
11. Having an identity (i.e. existing) will always be a NAZI thing to these people

Any group of people on Earth that wishes to have an identity and remain distinct is in direct opposition to their religion of world ownership and world enslavement
12. So remember this the next time you hear some bullshit about "equality" and "not discriminating" and "all humans are equal"

When they say that what they really mean is "all humans are equal slaves and only we get to be 'a people' "
13. Sadly everyone has been so fucking brainwashed by these people over the past 75 years that the majority of the population thinks "equality" is holy moral virtue and "inequality" is evil nazi sin
14. Well guess what

Without your ability to have evil racist nazi INEQUALITY and to defend your inequality at any cost just say goodbye to your homeland and your culture and your race since you're now getting "equalized" with Africa and the third world you brainwashed idiot
15. It's important to understand what the ***s aim for when they promote "human equality"

They want a world where the only people allowed to be unequal is them

In other words a world where they are the only ones allowed to exist as a nation
16. Everyone else is going to be forcefully equalized

Worldwide equality will be mandatory for all humans (except ***s)

Denying your mandatory "equality" will get you thrown in the gulag (see "hate speech" laws)
17. At the same time, denying the holy inequality and special status of the ***s will also get you thrown in the gulag (see the same "hate speech" laws)

In the world that is coming nobody will be allowed to have any racial or cultural or national identity except ***s
18. This is the endgame for J**aism

The ultimate revenge against humanity

After getting rejected and persecuted by all the nations of the Earth that they came in contact with they will destroy them all and finally be the only nation left with a right to exist on this planet
19. What's coming is some scary hell scenario shit

Already in several countries if you say "hey wait we are a people why are you robbing us of our homeland and our identity by flooding us with Africans" you get thrown in prison

This soon will be the case worldwide
20. The *** world order is the equality world order

A world order where all of humanity (except the ***s) are equalized slaves with no right to any type of sovereignty or national existence

The only people allowed to organize as a tribe will be the ***s
21. And by being the only people able to organize they will have the power to enslave everyone else

They understand that their extreme tribalism is the source of all their power

They intend to be the only people on Earth who wield this power

Everyone will be "equalized" slaves
22. This is the vision for the world that the ***s have in mind when they talk about "human equality"

It sounds nice doesn't it

Until you really understand what it means
23. And most importantly to them

By "equalizing" humanity they will destroy all the races

Most importantly, they will destroy all the smartest races with any real capability to threaten their global hegemony
24. Once all of humanity is one brown 80 IQ mixture of Somalis and Guatemalans there will be no one left on this Earth to threaten their worldwide supremacy even if they tried

It will be the final game over
25. These people are particularly deceptive so it is important to understand what they really have in mind when they talk about "human equality" and "tolerance and love" and "inclusion and diversity"

They always find the words to make their evil schemes sound nice and harmless
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