Men don't share their problems as openly as women because the penalty for vulnerability/weakness is much higher for a man than it is a woman.

People accept/tolerate incompetence and general weakness in women.

When men show these same very human aspects, people get mad.
People are, generally speaking, much less forgiving towards men than they are women.

I have a theory why.

We don't love men. We respect men, we may even appreciate men, but we don't love them.

If we loved them, we could tolerate weakness in them.

And we don't. It disgusts us.
This is why men are far less likely to share their problems.

They are treated as human doings, not human beings.

And so it is in their rational self-interest to prioritise preserving the respect they command, over risking vulnerability to get help.
Women seek help over the most tenuous things, sometimes just for attention, because they like the comfort and support that comes from sharing their plight.

If you see a man seeking help, you can be rest assured he is almost certainly desperate, and does so with great discomfort.
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