People like me understand that this would be preferable to our present situation, and why.
Why can people like me not understand that if you make flamethrowers illegal only criminals will have flamethrowers.
Why can only people like me understand that if your house is flooded from a broken pipe, then you turn off the water before you start fixing the pipe and drying out your house.
Why can only people like me understand the correlation between an industry that floods the country with guns and the danger posed by a country flooded with guns.

Why can only people like me understand that easy access to guns makes them easy for criminals to access.
Why can only people like me understand that the line between a good guy with a gun and a bad guy with a gun is a twitch of a finger and a half-second's misapprehension.
Why can only people like me understand that sweeping national gun control legislation is a far more effective tool for self-defense than a house full of guns.
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