My first #DoctorWho memories - little snippets - are from Season 13 (when I would have been 4/5). My first whole story memories start with The Face of Evil (Parts 2/3 of which went out around my 6th Birthday), I think this has a lot to do with @Lou_Jameson 1/7
The #DoctorWho Season that became the one I constantly fall back on was Season 17, when I was 8/9. This is still how I like my Doctor Who - smart and silly. The first regeneration I saw was 4th Doctor to 5th. I was 10. 2/7
But that's when The Fives Faces of #DoctorWho introduced me to the previous incarnations via An Unearthly Child, The Krotons, Carnival of Monsters and The Three Doctors. But it was until @SawbonesHex came along that I went from avid viewer to fanboy. 3/7
It was Colin Baker's era when I started being aware of fandom as a thing - via DWB etc - and started buying Target Books and @DWMtweets. It was then that I was introduced to the concept of #DoctorWho fans who hated Doctor Who. I know! Who'd have thunk it? 4/7
By the time I went off to Uni in Oct 1989 #DoctorWho fan was my identifying thing. In Lancaster, I put an ad in @DWMtweets looking for other fans. I met, amongst others, @popscene69 & @ScribblingGin. 5/7
We met @johnfreeman_DTT in the John O'Gaunt & got a sneak preview of art from that year's forthcoming #DoctorWho annual. Then I went off to work, where I once was awarded £250's worth of Doctor Who stuff as a reward for breaking a company record 6/7
And that is my #DoctorWho fan story because since then its been pretty much the most obvious thing you will know about me if we meet, work together etc. So, Happy Doctor Who Day 7/7
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