So, there was a sign that showed 3 significant dates in Lebanese history. Independence from the French occupation, independence from the Syrian regime occupation, independence from sectarianism. It didn't include independence from the Israeli occupation. Thread:
As you can imagine, that absence led to supporters of hezbollah and associated apologists of Assad etc to, essentially, imply that protesters are either pro-Israel or don't care about what Israel did in Lebanon.
These are the same people who would then turn around and say that Assad's occupation of Lebanon wasn't an occupation, and that it was even good.

These 2 groups, those who whitewash what Israel did and those who whitewash what Assad did, are more similar than they'd ever admit.
What's the solution? This sign.

"22 November 1943: independence from the French
25 May 2000: liberation from the Israeli enemy
26 April 2005: independence from the Syrian regime
17 October 2019: beginning of independence from the corrupt and tyrants" h/t @SpiderFromMarx
There are definitely some protesters who don't care about what Israel did, and there are some who don't care about what Assad did. There are some who even support/whitewash either. What we are trying to do is to argue that we should care about both.
As I mentioned many times, my family home is one of many that was bombed by the Assad regime in Lebanon. How do you think it feels like to see other Lebanese celebrate the Assad regime?
Similarly, very close friends lost their homes and often family members and/or friends to the Israeli regime. What do you think it feels like for them to see Lebanese people forget this?
Anyone who supports/whitewashes the Assad regime and/or the Israeli regime must be condemned as hypocrites of the highest order.

They are complicit in their oppression of Lebanese and Palestinians in Lebanon, of Palestinians in Palestine and Palestinians and Syrians in Syria.
Intersectionality. Give it a shot.
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