Legit watching the weirdest movie rn.

Set in Austria, this yt woman living in a strange sect has to dress modestly, can’t ever have a partner, her own finances, or kids. She keeps heading out to nature to sing & commune with the earth.

Apparently it’s a Christmas classic.
It’s an all female sect, but not in a good way and they seem to all be snide bitches tbh.

Now she’s going to work for this ghastly yt man, apparently he won’t look after his own kids so the woman who isn’t allowed to have her own kids has to go look after his.
The kids are made to all wear the same clothes, and the father directs them using a whistle. 7 kids, and they’re made to march every day. Amazing. This is a fascinating look at yt culture.
the main yt female is very passive aggressive. now, predictably the teen girl is secretly meeting a love interest. Yt people not talking to their kids, of course they gonna hide it. And this boy is ALL red flags 🚩
The father figure is abusive (?!) Has banned games, laughter and music since the mother died. Wow. But the main yt woman doesn’t seem willing to act? She is now speaking to an invisible friend (?) asking them to bless the abusive father and all the kids

Wait, is she PAID or nah?
Okay she just made clothes for this very wealthy family’s children, out of curtains. Apparently in one night.

Did her sect rent her out?
Is she allowed to leave?
This man is scary and he is being so rude to her, he just told her she needs disciplining.
Oh shit, just as we are enjoying a new fashionable yt woman and her fun friend Max coming on the scene, the young blonde boy reappears and throws up a Heil Hitler
Ummm the fancy water gates at this guys mansion have the same figures on them that’s on my husbands official family crest.

My German husbands family crest...

Me: *looks suspiciously at husband*
Angry captain is now yelling at the sect servant (unpaid) governess, and she is yelling back. He’s telling her to go back to the sect. But now the kids are singing, and he is smiling aaand SHE IS APOLOGISING FOR BEING OUTSPOKEN WTAF NO STOP THAT
Why does this family own so many puppets?

My kids are laughing at the terrifying puppets. I’m going to assume that’s the German in them because those puppets are not funny, they are scary 😂
I don’t share face forward pics of my kids online, but my son looks just like Frederick.

Also, I low key want all the clothes these women are wearing.

Angry captain dad hasn’t melted swiftly and is now singing.

No one but the servant seem to actually work?
I step away for 2 mins to break up a guinea pig fight and come back to angry dad hosting a mad party, servant governess and kids aren’t invited... oh wait they’re outside dancing... oooooh for a woman who lives in a modest, all woman sect she sure can dance?
Some very layered conversations taking place at this mad party, clearly some pro and some anti nazi sentiment & threats going round. Interesting that this continues to be classic yt culture - wealthy, powerful people having political yarns at their flash, exclusive parties ay.
Husband is now giving me a history lesson so I understand that the Austrian flag being flown in the house at the party was a visual push back against the nazi supporters at the party.

Yeah but he still invited them ay.
There is now an intermission.

Youngest child is asleep so husband is carrying him to bed. Guinea pigs have joined us to watch section 2 and I need a cup of tea
fashionable blonde lady is now established as the classic yt woman character: the evil step mother.

Immediate reference to boarding school, and the children are now giving her creepy silent kisses on the cheek.

Yt women don’t have a good history with other peeps kids ay
Oooh we are back at the creepy af sect.

Everyone is wearing matching garb, has their hair covered and are dressed in all black. Amazing. The organ music is eeerie af. And this is not a horror movie?!

And now we are looking at a replica of a man being executed. Wows
The sect have told her she has to leave. But doesn’t she have no money? No house of her own? Isn’t that given up when she joined the cult? WHERE WILL SHE GO?! Is she at the whim now of the goodwill of very angry captain and his evil step mother fiancé??
Well that was quick, governess just walked back in to the mansion and that night angry captain dad is ready to end engagement to hot yt woman from Vienna. OOOH BUT SHE PRE EMPTS HIM AND IS BREAKING UP WITH HIM HAHAHA I see what you’re doing there, yeah save that ego, fck him ay
He walks directly down to the governess by the water, and she’s saying she came back to fulfil her obligation, he wants to fill her obligation ay he’s wasting no time.
“You can’t marry someone when you’re in love with someone else” aw hell no he is not making moves minutes after ending an engagement. Damn yt people you got no class, and she’s kissing him. Lawd you saved yourself for THAT hot mess of an angry turd, what a waste.
No wonder people be out here taking absolute shite behaviour from men, THIS is the role model?

He has now declared his love for her - mind you, he has definitely been banging that governess - and sect governess is positively swooning.

This ain’t a love story my friends.
The lyrics to this song 😂 TG ‘somewhere in my youth or childhood I must have done something good’

Boo you got no financial security, been keeping yourself from physical intimacy, and now you’re gonna commit to an abusive guy with 7 kids who has been banging a baroness? 😂💀👎🏽
More of that creepy ass organ now, she’s getting married. The nuns are helping her & the children meet her to accompany her to the aisle. So, governess has no family?? 🤔

Jeeez that is a large crowd for the wedding. I’m assuming there’s some nazis there too
Okay her and angry captain dad are now kneeling in front of a man in an ornate dress, and an organ bigger than my house. What actually is this wedding.

Aaand cut scene to hard our nazi scenes. Marching, signs, intense vibes.
Ooooh angry captain dad is refusing to fly the nazi flag. He’s off on his honeymoon, and has apparently been gone a month. 😹 so ah who is looking after these kids? Max?

Max just threw a heil Hitler and the kids described the nazi flag as having a black spider on it.
“We make it our business to know everything about every one” ooooh blonde boy (Ralph) is now hard out Hitler youth. No more garden dances for these two then. Captain dad just ripped up a nazi flag. Ahhh I see why yt people like this film now, they tell themselves they’re him.
It’s a scale thing ay, like yes he’s sexist and grossly abusive/controlling, but he’s the one hold out when it comes to the advancement of the nazi party. It’s a hook, a line in the sand they can relate to in their imaginings.
Teen girl is sad about Ralph, and now her and Governess-turn-wife are singing about how she just has to wait a year or two, and it’s going down fine, that’s very realistic 😹
Oh shit they’re doing a runner and NOT TELLING THEIR HOUSE KEEPERS!!!

“They’ll be able to answer truthfully that they knew nothing about it”

Ummm they will be killed and made an example of
Two hours is way too long to be live tweeting.

Old mate, new wife and his seven kids have been caught trying to run and now have committed to singing. Audience is filled with Nazis. My husband is singing jam & bread but in German.

This. Is. Weird.

Why do people love this.
Ohhhh this film got mad sacrificial vibes happening as the angry captain dad starts to sing a solo....

Is she gonna try sneak out with the kids???

Wait no she’s joined him? Now the whole audience is singing. I legit have no clue how this is going to end.
You mean to tell me that one of the most iconic & well loved yt culture film ends with a family fleeing their home, to a foreign land, to avoid fighting in a war they don’t believe in...

And yet yt Australia be treating asylum seekers the way they do?! GET IN THA BIN YOU LOT 🗑
They’ve fled to the creepy sect & are running through a graveyard as nazis approach. The borders have been closed so they can’t leave in a car.

They’re going to have to trek on foot over mountains, without resources, to cross a border...

Yt people watch this ironically or nah
Dort wants to know why Ralph would do that. Husband said ‘he is brainwashed’ and now we are arguing because nah mate THAT is not brainwashing, that turd proactively chose that life before the death threats even rolled in.
I have asked husband to sing Tea with Jam and Bread, in German, so I can film and share with twitter and alas my friends he has declined.

Film has ended now, I won’t tweet the ending cause spoilers 😹
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