Link to story at end of Thread;
Here we go again with "Reparations"
Lets examine this for a second shall we, Lets agree that the Reparations will be paid for by a Tax on White people.
What if the White person 's Family never owned slaves? What if the white person's.....
... Family moved to America after the Civil War? Should this white person and their family still have to pay the Tax?
Let's look deeper, should America research the African's in Africa who kidnapped the Black people and held them captive until they could .....
... sell them to the Dutch slavers and should America also research the Capetian's of the Dutch slave ships that purchased the Black slaves that the Black African slavers kidnapped? What about the Dutch Gov.? Should America hold the Dutch Gov. accountable .....
... for the actions of the Dutch slave ships that transported the slaves to America where they were sold in the slave auctions?
What about the black family's that owned black slaves? Should their family's be researched and held accountable by having a special slave tax .....
... leveled against their collective family so they will be held accountable as well?
OK are you now seeing how crazy this "Reparations" thing is? My family immigrated to Florida in the 1700's and throughout my entire family history we have never held.....
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