I'm An Arab Muslim #TTRPG enthusiast, #dnd5e specifically, and want to help bridge cultural gaps and support you in creating an authentic feel to your games
Ask me anything, I'm having a great morning 😊
I got this question in DM so I wanted to share it & answer it
"How would you tackle religions and gods in a non offending/appalling way to Arabs? Do you just need a good open-minded group? Or is there another way?"....
TLDR; session zero, discuss this with your group, find your middle grounds, and have fun

Well, when I first started I honestly was afraid of tacking such things. I researched a lot trying to find ways to "avoid taboo topics"...
In fact, when we were trying to spread word our 1st reactions were "stop wasting your time on sinful things"
But, in the end this is a fantasy game, and people who come into it know that and tend to be comfortable with that...
Also, having a session zero is always important to decide the acceptable things & tones. Personally, I am very clear that this is not a REAL WORLD simulation, we're telling fictional stories. If an adventure I'm running has gay couple, I'm going to RP a gay couple....
I even introduce gay couples once or twice in my homebrew. Regardless of one's personal views, these things exist in real life. I'm trying to tell a good story and I'll try to use any and all tools I can get, respectfully when it comes to real people & cultures
Very Important PSA:
There's nothing wrong in exploring stereotypical and cliches portrayals of other cultures, as long as you're not actively & intently trying to portray them negatively. Don't shy from making mistakes or even falling into slips, we learn, we grow, we get better
You can follow @20arabiaRPG.
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