Seen something by @Virtuous_Queen_

“Don’t rage engage” in reference to folks engaging and amplifying harmful content on the TL in order to say they are against it. I really like that phrase, “Don’t rage engage”.
The purpose & intention of rage is important. Crucial. I think we need to deeply examine what it means in an increasingly digitally manipulated world where folks live in echo chambers (wilfully or not).
Plus a lot of the content that people rage engage on is usually private or non-consensual (victims of violence filmed & footage posted on the internet). It is now amplified permanent & public internet record, in many instances with no justice realised.
Important questions to ask before rage engaging/amplification:

1. Is the person in the non-consensual material ok with it being used for whatever purpose/objective I have?

2. What plans/paths for justice can “we” achieve with & for them through this strategy?
3. Is it more effective to report the material for it to be removed; without amplifying it while contacting the relevant authorities where needed/if possible?

4. What is the purpose beyond awareness & sparking conversations? Awareness is never the end, it is a means.
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