Growing up in Stone Mountain, GA I was able to truly see what the district had to offer, from wealth to decent housing, before new leadership took over and money getting redistributed to other parts of the district that was already affluent.
The East and South portions of the district were forgotten. Houses were foreclosed on, jobs went away, schools lost funding, things just got worse. Over time they have not gotten any better with the exception of gentrification as people wanted to get closer to the city.
As your progressive candidate and someone who knows the struggle of being homeless for over 2 years, someone who lost a child, someone who lost all that he had, someone who suffered from a critical disease that could have potentially killed him and someone who was able to
Overcome. I want to bring back to you the change you've been waiting for and deserve and do the same for others across this country who have been forgotten. My plan as your candidate, leading authority on GA and DeKalb native:
Bring back livable wage paying jobs to the district where you won't have to drive over an hour to get to one or take 3 due to no transit system.
Pass an amendment to the affordable Care act while we work on Medicare for all to help you get affordable healthcare where you won't have to decide on your health or food to eat.
Education reform providing state college education at no cost and push trade skills in school again, increase our teachers pay and give the schools resources they need to continue to prepare our children for the jobs of tomorrow not today.
Complete criminal justice reform and reduce incarnation rates by shutting down the schools to prison pipeline.
Better protection of your digital content and make sure we have an unbiased internet as well as increase spending to get high-speed internet out to our rural areas because we've determined that if kids don't have access high-speed internet they're already behind.
Demilitarize our law enforcement officials. We need police to protect our community not an army.
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