So, I was talking with my gf ( @lcielia) and she asked me "Hey, why aren't there as many straight trans women on twitter?"

My answer to that was "Because of the circles we're in", but the more I thought about it, the more I realised how this is... Kinda messed up...
As I thought about it, I arrived at the reason.

Trans twitter, or at least the transbian circles I used to walk in can be extremely toxic to people who do not conform to the group.

And the group keeps doing whatever it can to alienate, both subtly and outwardly, anyone else.
I'm not talking about any one specific person btw, so if you're expecting me to namedrop someone, you're in the wrong thread.

But take for instance the memes a lot of transbians share.

A lot of them boil down to "ewwww boys are gross"
That alienates straight trans women, bi trans women (which I was at the time) genderfluid people (which I am), trans men and even some enbies.

That's just one example of things they did. Don't think that's a problem?

Let's move on to more hardcore stuff.
CW: Biphobia

I see so many people get shitty comments from transbians when they come out as bisexual.

Transbians saying they feel sorry, that our dating pool is toxic.

I understand some of yall have trauma with masculinity but can you not??
That's not to mention just how venomous some trans women are towards trans men, labeling them as "no different from our cis oppressors".

That to me is the same as labeling a bi couple in a "straight relationship" as "not queer and the same as our oppressors".
I've seen some pretty vile sh*t slung towards my trans brothers, and that really upsets me.

And so many transbians are extremely silent whenever that happens.

The silence is deafening.
But that's not the only group they alienate.

PoC (me included) feel very alienated from a lot of the things they do.

Like for example, how often do you see a PoC or fat person take pictures of their "leggies"?

How often do you see skinny white people do it?
You know those silly memes?

The ones that talk about how "trans culture is 'X'"?

It may not feel like a big deal to you, and to some people it isn't, but that also low key alienates us.

These memes are usually about the experiences of white people living in the first world.
I'm not saying white people can't enjoy memes.

I'm saying that tiny actions like that, reinforce the wall that exists between us.

I am also not saying that all transbians are bad.

What I'm saying that we, as a community, can do better.
I want this community to grow better and healthier.

I want us to help create a place where new trans people, upon finding our community, can find themselves and find a place where they belong.
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