Some of y'all are real fucking slow so let me make this crystal fucking clear.


If you have a problem with it instead of thinking your the only one who matters. Just leave.

For the most part I've stayed relatively quiet but enough is enough. I mean no one is forcing you to stay and look at anyone in a pup hood. As furries we should be the last community to be unwelcoming. Or do I need to remind everyone it wasn't long ago furries were banned
From nearly everything. Instead of looking for division look at the things that we share. We both found communities that accept us and we both found families. most of all who the fuck cares. Karen if you can't have a talk with your kids about pup hoods than sorry not sorry.
Be a better parent and encourage your kids to be open minded and learn about the world. maybe learn and encourage yourself to be open minded. And cons stop allowing this hate to fester and letting it get our of control. The cross over here is insane between our communities
So ya know stop acting a fool and let's create a welcoming environment for all and not just those we deem to fit a certain mold. And if you don't like what I have to say that's awesome and you're right to do so. Just like it's my right to be who I am without feeling unwelcome.
And while we are at it. Those of you who are allies speak the fuck up in public. Allot of you do but this is a fight for all of us and we need everyone. So put that shit on blast call people out and support your friends who feel unwelcomed. I'm a pup. I'm a furry. #PupsAreWelcome
Listen no one should ever have to go out to anything and feel unwelcomed. I know that some of the double standards at these cons are laughable. Well you are in a pup hood you can't wear a harness or a leash. *Blinks...comes back down in fursuit and leash and harness* all good wtf
And some of the cons I've gone to are great and others I've gone to I felt like I wasn't welcomed wanted or really accepted. I've been made to feel like shit and less than at some places and the admin response has been meh. Other places I've felt amazing and welcomed.
The point I'm getting at is until someone can give me a valid legit reason as to why it's so bad. Politely STFU and sit the fuck down and learn to open your mind. Just cause you don't understand it doesn't mean it's wrong.

K rant done.
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