November, 1980,7 months after Zims Independence,Edgar Tekere,Zanu’s no.3 & Min .of Manpower Planning & Dev. in PM Mugabe’s govt.was accused of murdering Gerald Adams at his Stamford Farm on e outskirts of a Harare.I vividly remember this story causing a stir!
During an on-site inquiry it was alleged the attack on Stamford Farm was directed at unarmed soldiers guarding the establishment & Adams was all but collateral damage.
The trial alluded several times to the tribalism that some whites said could plunge Zimbabwe into another civil war.
“If you go around with grenades and things like that,it shows you have no support,if you have support you don’t do things like that”- Joshua Nkomo .
Integrating the two guerrilla movements into a single regular army was a challenge.
The tragic example of the guerilla movements failure to unite erupted on November 9th into one of worst factional violence since independence in Entumbane ,Bulawayo.
Violence broke out after a Zanu rally in Bulawayo,Nkomo’s ZAPU which saw the rally as a provocation,and former Zanu guerrilas exchanged gunfire & fired mortars at each other ,50 people died & more were injured.

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