Politics are the center of worship in evangelical/conservstive churches but you're not ready for that conversation. https://twitter.com/markdtooley/status/1197352802013663232
The evangelical church worships white supremacy, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, and ableism. Its theology is deeply rooted in the systematic oppression of anyone who isn't an able bodied cishet white man.
The reason evangelicals consider their position apolitical is because they view themselves as the default and the standard that everyone else should strive for. Any deviation from their ideal is considered "political".
There's men and there's "political"
There's straight and there's "political "
There's white and there's "political"
Maintaining the white cisheteropatriarchy is political as fuck, especially when you use the political process to maintain that system. 81% of white evangelicals voted for Trump in order to uphold white supremacy and strengthen the ability to oppress the marginalized.
Also? Jesus was political as fuck! He was an oppressed person murdered by the state because he was considered a threat to their power. There's a reason why the guards mocked him with the phrase "King of The Jews" during the crucifixion. They didn't pull that out of their asses
Herod feared baby Jesus so much he committed genocide in order to get rid of him. Jesus was a symbol of liberation and hope for a group of systematically oppressed people and a threat to the status quo. So they killed him in order to maintain it.
To be a follower of Jesus is to be political. The question is, are you going to side with the oppressor or the oppressed? Evangelicals have obviously chosen the former, and being an oppressor is political, even if they don't see themselves that way.
Anyways, let me get out of my Twitter pulpit and get some dinner. 😂
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