Hmm ok..., where to begin with this...? Maybe as a child when my "growing pains" & Alopecia was put down to being "jealous of my brother's" by my GP or how about my son's birth where the nurse refused to believe lilman was having seizures, as I was...1/7
"Too young to know what I was talking about" pregnant aged 20, he later went on to be rushed to SCBU for weeks due to an infection. Or how about the time I was sectioned for 9 days because I was experiencing #MUS & #ChronicPain that has since been diagnosed as #AAI #CCI #EDS 2/7
#ME with #NonEpilepticSeizures which btw is also, apparently, according to the current #NHS neurologists I've seen caused by "a childhood trauma" that I don't remember...??? Yep! Nothing to do with the hypermobility of the collagen that supports my spinal cord, brain stem etc.3/7
Or maybe the time that GP said that all of this was "an adjustment disorder" or the recent one who upon hearing my full medical history literally then burst into tears as it was "too much for her to deal with...", really helpful right 🙄...hmm I think I'm going to just say...4/7
...that to everyone that liked & shared that video, seriously I hope at no point in your life do you ever become diagnosed with an illness or disability that not only do people not understand or believe even really exists but the people who's job it is to care for you...5/7
...activity participate in the abuse that has led to #MillionsMissing #MedicalMisogyny with #UK #MPs openly calling for a full public inquiry into the abuse this has caused patients ( #MAIMES & #PACEtrial) being quoted as "one of the biggest medical scandals of the 21st... 6/7
century" & unlike ur ignorance others don't then discriminate against ur disability as btw disability doesn't actually discriminate, it doesn't care what age, race, sex or religion you follow or not & finally being ill you don't have to spend your time dealing with this shit! 7/7
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