Just catching up with some articles and caught the Guardian long read on suicide. I’m not posting the link as sadly it is gratuitously detailed on methods descriptions. It comes from good intention but whilst it could work in the BMJ, it’s not pitched for mainstream press
It talks about ward 1A at the old Royal Infirmary in Edinburgh. 25 years ago it was a pioneering service offering sanctuary and integrated care for people presenting at A&E with self harm and after suicide attempts.
An amazing nurse called Sandra de Munoz pioneered and championed it. She went on to lead suicide prevention work in Edinburgh and inspire all of us in the city. She died of cancer 10 years ago and reading that piece I remember her suddenly, and think of how mortified she’d be
Ward 1A was a place of sanctuary and compassion. I was doing online peer support in scotland when I was a student and people used to travel from all over scotland to present there because was safe, there was no ridicule, and the staff guarded patient dignity
They also provided a liaison role into other specialities - a stigma shield ahead of time. If only it were there now. If only there were more like it. I’m sad about this piece - and sad I can’t link it. If you are safe to you’ll know where to find it.
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