Headlines this week: The US has “the world’s highest rate of children in detention,” per reports about a UN study on migrant children detained at the US-Mexico border.

Then AFP and Reuters retracted & removed the story. Not because the data was false—because it was from 2015.
Read that again.

The story wasn't corrected. It wasn't updated.

It was removed—as if it never happened.

Why doesn't the UN study matter anymore? We all know the answer. Donald J. Trump wasn't President in 2015. Barack Obama was. This story had the wrong villain.
Even more incredible: As of this moment, the NY Times *still* has the original Reuters story published on its website, with no correction, calling out President Trump for "inhuman" policies while neglecting to even mention President Obama.

For something that happened in 2015.
Sadly, the media has a thousand tricks like these for manipulating the "news" to fit whatever narrative it wants you to believe.

Add them up, and it's little wonder why today barely 1 in 10 Americans have a "great deal of trust" in mass media.

Read on: http://45.wh.gov/qPpLTE 
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