This girl I was talking to said "you're either a feminist or a sexist" and like... Feminist isn't a label that you apply to yourself and all of a sudden you're good to go. I've met "feminist progressive" men who are pieces of shit under all that wokeness
This whole binary of "if you're not a feminist you're automatically a bad person" is why so many people understand and accept that what we say is right, but don't call themselves feminist.
Feminism to me is a way of living and treating people with respect and dignity
Feminism has changed my life, but I think looking down on people who don't call themselves that, especially when they're respectful toward women, is condescending, small-minded and frankly a bit classist
Hell, I've seen feminist women defend and befriend men they know are creepy and inappropriate. It's ridiculous to me how feminism's just become a buzzword now, even for feminists themselves. Fuck dude, it's not as simple as feminist and sexist JFC
I have so much love for feminism when feminists talk about deep rooted issues in our vocabulary, society, culture, media etc. I love learning and growing from that.

But turning it into an exclusive club, like some sort of cult, I'm not here for that narrative
It is a way of life. It is in the way we talk to and treat each other. And if someone's being a non-problematic person saying they're not a feminist, attacking them for it or not acknowledging criticisms about the movement... Seems counterproductive, to say the least
Never will I ever think it's okay to bully or harass someone because they're a feminist nor will I ever say that. And I'll also never think it's okay to bully or harass someone because they don't identify as that.
Anyway this rant went on way too long and I still have so many thoughts about it, maybe even some alienation, feel free to tell me if I've betrayed womankind
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