Cohen advocates for literal government censorship of social media platforms, saying, "Instead of letting the Silicon Six decide the fate of the world, let our elected representatives, voted for by the people, of every democracy in the world, have at least some say."
Cohen argues that social media platforms should be subject to the same kind of paternalistic censorship as television.
Cohen simply glosses over the single most important question about internet censorship, "Where do you draw the line?" He just doesn't answer it. People like me, who aren't racist but voice unauthorized ideas, would inevitably be silenced in an environment of greater censorship.
Cohen argues that social media posts should be treated more like a writer submitting an article to an editor for approval, to allow time for thorough censorship.
Cohen is in alignment with most Hollywood activism: well-intentioned but entirely power-serving. The echo chambers these wealthy celebrities all wind up in gives them dumb beliefs like the status quo is great and must be protected at all cost, even literal government censorship.
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