Books by & about POC weren't *banned* in the school where I taught.

BUT when I pushed for the 6th grade #ELA curriculum to include at least ONE author & protagonist of color, the response was, "It's a v. long process to change required curriculum." 😐

#educolor thread 1/9
This was 2013, I think?

Student body at this school: >50% POC

Required 6th grade #ELA curriculum at the time:
👉🏼The Giver by Lois Lowry
👉🏼Tangerine by Edward Bloor
👉🏼Woodsong by Gary Paulsen
👉🏼They Cage the Animals at Night by Jennings Michael Burch

All 4 of these books are by white authors.

All 4 of these books feature a straight white boy as the main protagonist.

These were the ONLY full-length books required of 6th grade Humanities students at the time.

#educolor #WATeachLead 3/9
So what did I do?

I supplemented my curriculum w/poems, essays, articles, podcasts by & about people whose voices are underrepresented not just in our schools, but in the media, in advertising, in the world.

Voices like the voices of my students. #educolor 4/9
I welcomed POC & queer community leaders as guest presenters at our school.

With the support of @TED_ED and my #TIECohort3 fam, I launched #RollCallProject. 5/9
And I'm not a unicorn!

Teachers everywhere spend weekends/late nights/summers developing lessons to make up where scripted curriculum lacks, trying to figure out how to reach kids our edu system ignores. #educolor #wateachlead

My point is, support teachers.

Teachers are often blamed for systemic edu problems that they are *quietly* but *relentlessly* fighting to undo despite endless deflections & bureaucracy.

Teachers of color & LGBTQ teachers are often doing A LOT of this work. #educolor

There's a thread now @KUOWengage about banned books that changed the way you see the world.

We'd love to hear from more teachers about the books that are not only *actually banned* in your schools, but also about ones that are simply left out & should be taught.⚡9/9
You can follow @kristinleong.
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