The Zero Sum Game Dawah is a major fail for Muslim leaders. Zero Sum Game Dawah means they may refuse to help another org because they think they will lose money or people to support their own org. This kind of thinking is wrong - when you work in dawah, you should always see
matters in terms of an abundance mindset. If you help your own org, great. But if you have the ability to help other organizations with their audiences, that's simply diversifying your personal reward portfolio. Your expectation should be that Allah will put barakah
in both organizations or more and both orgs will grow healthily and no one will lose out. Complementary efforts back and forth will enable the synergy of both sharing dawah workers, sharing audiences, and a bigger united front that can bring more khayr with its pooled resources
There is a lot of good to be gained by systemizing our dawah, by organizing it to maximize growth, authority, impact, and gather resources, using good business practices to tighten and professionalize our efforts. But keep in mind its limitations - some of its ideas are meant
to compete in a world with limited resources, and when we compete with one another, we see helping each other as part of the competition. If you pray more than I do, you're winning. If you help me pray more, and then you pray more, you're winning even more, as you've gotten the
reward for helping me pray, and the reward I get for praying doesn't remove any reward you'll get either. We must remember there is abundance, not scarcity, when we work in dawah. May Allah (swt) enable us to support each other's efforts, ameen
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