if i could give one piece of advice for aspiring authors or people just getting into the industry, it would be to get goals & hobbies that are not publishing related. This industry has a way of making you feel super unimportant, can't put all your self worth into this one thing
the mental fortitude it takes to make it long term in publishing is serious. Self doubt is part of being a human, being an author amplifies it - you need other forms of self expression, a fountain to pull self esteem and happiness from that don't have anything to do w/books
it will also come in handy in a lot of instances but especially when it comes to the two things that are most prevalent: waiting and disappointment. If you have other things to turn to, it only feels like one part of your world is crumbling not the entire thing.
I will also say: have non-publishing friends if you can AND talk to your publishing friends about things other than the industry/books. It can feel a lot like an obsession (and in a lot of ways it is) but taking breaks to just talk about LIFE or music or farts or w/e is important
I LOVE talking to my friend Peter about music for example, & we watch British reality shows together too - next year Ryan & I are going to a podcast live show, Kat and I talk about murder podcasts all the time. Diversify bc it can be UNHEALTHY to be all books all the time
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