Thread. 1)There’s been a public playground built on parliament grounds at a cost of $640,000. Of that total,$500,000 was for the slide.

Somewhere in Wellington,a person must have sat at his/her desk & decided,”yes,$500,000 sounds like a fair price for a children’s slide.”
2)They must have also decided,based on their ‘qualifications’ to make these decisions,that $640,000 for a playground is a “fair price & represents a good return on capital for taxpayers money.This is the best way we can spend this $640,000 to get the taxpayer the best value...
3)...for their money.”

Where did we go so horribly wrong?Why do we let these people make such goddam stupid decisions on our behalf?That money is now gone. The taxpayer has been deprived of over 20 knee operations, or 2 state houses,or any other myriad of ways that money...
4)...could’ve been spent.Most importantly,through this wasteful,ignorant virtue signalling idiot,NZ taxpayers have been denied the opportunity to spend or invest the money that they earned in a way of their choosing.

This shit has to stop. The New Zealand taxpayer cannot.....
5)...afford to subsidise the lifestyle of the Wellington non productive bureaucracy. We need to send that message loud & clear thru the ballot box.

Vote for the party that offers the least,not the most.
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