Tonight I got off my flight from Seattle to London & went straight to an archaeology awards ceremony. I was excited - I’ve never been nominated for a research award before!

But the evening ended in lots of tears, and highlighted to me how far the discipline has to come.

As I was being introduced, they said “she’s been researching sexual harassment in archaeology”, to which a large group of older men laughed. Fully laughed - to the point that the presenter had to say “it isn’t funny”.

I managed to go up and get my certificate, but as soon as I sat back down I burst into tears. In front of a hall full of people. It was humiliating.

This is exactly the kind of toxic culture in arc that drives out ERCs and, ironically, fosters sexual harassment.

Even if you take out the subject matter, imagine being 21, just out of undergrad, shortlisted for your first research award and... a group of people decide its acceptable to publicly *laugh* at that research.

I know that my research has not always been taken seriously. I know this. What I was surprised at was the fact that these people were so f***ing open about it that they laughed in front of a room of their colleagues, at a young woman.

Afterwards, when I couldn’t go up for the pictures because I was still crying, a number of older women came up to me. They all said very similar things:

“I’ve been in the field for X years. It’s about time someone is taking about this. Thank you.”

So I guess, tonight it was brought home both why this research can be so damn hard at times, and why it’s worth it.

Also, to just be clear: the organisation that hosted the awards were amazingly kind and supportive - both of me personally and my research. They were also angry at the reaction. I was very lucky in that respect.
Thank you everyone for your kind words. I’m going to be fine - I’ll continue to do my research, and try and contribute my small bit to making the field safer. What got me the most, I think, was how much I *love* my work. How much of myself I have poured into this work over the ..
.. last 3 years. Research which, btw, I do for free - no stipend, no salary, no research grants. I do it in my evenings and my weekends and I take unpaid time from my non-academic job to do talks & conferences. I do it bc I believe in it.
Some have been asking what my research is & where they can read it! So...

I research sexual misconduct that occurs during fieldwork, particularly in archaeology & anthropology. This is, sadly, very common, & the aim of my research is to inform policies to make fieldwork safer!
I’m currently in the process of finishing up a manuscript for publication, but until then...

My pilot study, as a thread:

A sneak preview of my current work, as a thread:
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