There is no doubt that big tech companies like @Google, @Twitter, and @facebook need to take significant steps to regulate political advertising, which has gone completely unchecked in recent years, enabling the spread of disinformation.
However, a blanket ban on all political advertising is a cop-out that fails to combat disinformation and harms voters’ ability to participate in our democracy, affecting voters of color in particular.
Tech companies must play a more active role in regulating the content on their platforms, and we stand in full support of tech platforms removing demonstrably false content and instituting better transparency standards.
We must combat the spread of disinformation without harming civic engagement or limiting the ability of campaigns to connect directly with voters. Tech companies shouldn’t reduce the power of the grassroots just because it’s easier than addressing abuse on their platforms.
We call on these tech companies to reconsider their decision to bluntly limit political advertising on their platforms. We view this as critical to combating the spread of disinformation, while maintaining our ability to empower voters with accurate information.
We invite these companies to engage in an open and transparent conversation about how we effectively regulate political advertising online. Call us, @Googlepubpolicy, @twittergov, and @facebook.
You can follow @TheDemocrats.
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