As #iwillweek draws to a close and I look back on my week... 1 #youthwork conference, 1 board meeting, 2 strategic leader events ( @YMCAEng_Wales and @UKYouth), numerous new contacts made and inspiring conversations had I'm now sat watching all 3 children at swimming
and reflecting on what my #iwillWeek targets should be for the next part in my journey.

1. #iwill take every opportunity to celebrate the successes of our young people and our team and encourage us all to (and encourage us all tolearn from the not so successful days
2. #iwill continue to champion the power of #youthwork and #youthvoice locally, regionally and nationally
3. #iwill seek out new opportunities and strengthen existing ones to enhance our work
4. #iwill recognise my own worth/potential and help those around me to realise theirs...
5. #iwill support my children to strive for greatness and recognise that they can be whoever they want to be
6. And #iwill be grateful for every opportunity personally and professionally

#partnership #ymca #ymcafamily #family #thisgirlcan #ambition #standwithyouth #leader #plan
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