That was the grandest liturgy I’ve ever been present for. I cried like the first time.
The communion of saints is REAL; we are ONE in Christ; this Church awash in red is NOT going away. I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen. ✝️
Imagine *actually* believing Jesus’ promise that he would build his church, and not being afraid. I want to be a lot more brave. Do I believe I’m actually going to live forever with God, or not? Why do I act like I don’t when I say I do? Fear is so ridiculous!
It’s good and important to pray/fast/have concerns. (I will never NOT have concerns in this lifetime.) But fear shouldn’t be our primary motivator. The Church is invincible because God is keeping it that way. That is such a liberating concept!
This is all a really good prelude to celebrating Christ the King on Sunday. I’m so excited about this now. (Last year, I spent most of Christ the King Sunday feeling sorry for myself on the transatlantic flight out of here; this year I get to see it!) 💛
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