I've just come out of the @britishmuseum's #Troy exhibition and wow, it's utterly brilliant. Some highlights:
Architecture sets the pace, leading you through the various parts of the story seamlessly
Stratigraphy in a museum! Very cool way of showing different occupation levels of Troy
Lots of diplomatic stuff about that mug Schliemann, including this quote that would be bombarded with 'Didn't happen' replies if he'd tweeted it today
Combination of modern artworks to trace the story's legacy features some incredible pieces
A first edition of Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida was an unexpected joy
Some of the biggest highlights were the panels from Waterloo Uncovered and Crisis about how the stories of Troy are human and can be brought into the modern sensibility. Achilles' pain and grief a great thread brought through
Not only are the women of Troy brought to the forefront, but again the story doesn't end there but is followed through to relevance. A powerful audio clip of a Crisis member relating to the themes of Helen and Cassandra in her life is particularly memorable
And to finish, here's Brad Pitt
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