That energy at which they went after SFTOS on these streets. Way better album than all these ones. Paid influencers attacked then but same set are now praising news ones and attacking any Wiz fan who has a differed opinion. Why can’t we maintain the same energy?
It’s tough to forget the negative energy they brought. @ovieo went to the listening part for SFTOS only to come back and spread falsehood, Ayo Jaguda, Osagz/pulsenigeria247 and a host of others attacked Wizkid at will. To think some people on these streets get away with murder
That’s f*ucked up. Never forget though, cheats don’t win long term. Never
I will save the rest for a later date. When they cross that line they will be dealt with accordingly by the FC
Yet all Wizkid does is continue to show love. The paid influencers will go around him, smile at him and still go around badmouthing him.
We still must not allow them to push their hateful agenda. Ayo Jaguda is doing his part and others too. You can’t just totally ignore them. They have all blocked me so I can’t respond to them
We have to change their narratives. We must not allow them to continue to spread lies which is what they do. They get to people when they do these things. It’s our duty as Wizkid FC to stop their lies.
Even those narratives get to some FCs who seem to have short memories. Wizkid has done exceptionally well in 2019. I am sure you know those accomplishments, so don’t let them tell you otherwise. Don’t be fooled, don’t let them deceive you.
If I start to type those accomplishments and moves by Wizkid it will be another thread in its own and I am talking about 2019 by itself so don’t let them come with BS lies. I know who the true winner is. It’s all about the values, the legendary moves, timeless efforts.
By the way don’t forget to follow the starboy residency Dubai moves. It’s a wonderful time for our people. Don’t let them tell you otherwise. Man has and is doing the most for afrobeats. Not even close. He’s right there at the top. Only ☝🏿. 🦁
Wiz is doing the most so don’t come with that wiz should have done this wiz should have done that stuff. Man stands tall at the top, just because he’s not saying it does not mean he’s not doing it.
It’s no longer a big deal when wiz does it. He has made the impossible possible for our people.
Album drops all over the world everyday. An album drop in Naija translates to whatever they want to call it, it’s only in Naija. People drop albums all over the world every time.
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