Sometimes some of you will tell me you've learned a lot from me & want to know if I have tip jar. I don't. I raise this because if you have EVER learned anything from me then here's the payment I want. Please contact city council & tell them to REJECT the recommended bylaw.
I have shared my struggles, research, analysis & lived experience on here. Answered questions, provided suggestions.
Now I need your help. Please contact these councillors TODAY (they vote on Wednesday). Tell them to reject recommendations & KILL the #StrawBan #vanpoli
If you live in Vancouver contact them.
If you live in BC contact them.
If you live in Canada contact them.
If you don't live here but think you might some day visit here, contact them.
If you don't ever plan to come here but care about disabled people who live here, contact them
If you feel inclined you can also contact @ThinkModus who were hired to do the SECOND consultation and managed to come up with worse framing and ideas.
They call the disabled community the 'Accessibility Community' - what is that? That's not a thing.
Also @ThinkModus - 17 seriously?
"A total of 40 individuals and organizations were invited to participate in this engagement process, of which 17 participated between January and May 2019."

You're not very good at this consulting thing are you?
FWIW @ThinkModus managed to invite 40 "Accessibility" individuals and organizations and not invite me who *checks notes* sat on City advisory council, was quoted about #StrawBan in national and US media numerous times, wrote extensively on here & in blog, met with councillors.
Who wrote this?

"Level playing field. Stakeholders emphasized the importance of fairness and a level playing field, and agreed that all businesses should have to do the same thing."

Importance of "fairness" for business but OK to screw over disabled people I guess.
We *experience* thirst! Exclusion! Isolation! Violation of our rights!

"People who rely on plastic straws for accessibility experience stigmatization &distress when the movement to ban plastic straws does not recognize the need for plastic straws for accessibility & inclusion."
Who are the 17 sell-outs who agreed to this. They claim the results of their consultation is that 17 "accessibility" individuals and organizations agreed with their #StrawBan - I want names. I want to hear from them why they sold out the disability community. Names!
Pay attention to who they go after and who they don't.
They exempt juice boxes. Why? Because banning those would require going after a business.
My City prefers to ONLY pick on disabled and poor people - not interfere.
And wait there's one more exemption….
"1-year exemption for bubble tea drinks: food vendors may opt-in by reporting what actions they are taking to comply with the ban"

__-___ing Bubble Tea has more rights than I do.

This is some deep Orwellian bs right here.
The PWD committee agreed to this? You. Are. All. Cancelled.

Reminder that you do not have to be disabled to be on City's PWD advisory committee.
But being 'middle class' and not poor may be a criteria.
I took responsibility for every vote I made while sitting on the City's former Active Transportation & Policy Council.

I felt it too. Every time I went in that room I physically felt it.
The duty. The responsibility. The obligation. Not to the City, but to crips not in room
I think some of those PWD members think they are leaders. I never did. I thought I was the person who got to be in the room and had the task of trying not to screw over those who aren't in the room and weren't 'invited' to the table.
Sometimes it hurt to be the one in the room.
I think they should be ashamed they co-signed this. I'll leave it at that. For now.

The problem with by request has been explained so many times before and I am tired.
Also these paper wrapped plastic straws - seems very specific.
I will write more later and PLEASE do reply to this thread and please DO make sure you reply to ALL and not untag any of the accounts.
PLEASE share #StrawBan articles, threads, tweets whatever.
Disabled Twitter please DO reply with your thoughts about this.
I would also urge everyone to think about what and who we *AREN'T* talking about because we are talking about #StrawBan
Because there is a climate emergency. Bringing in Uber which we *know* puts more cars on road while banning straws. Hmm.
The type of plastic that straws are made from is highly recyclable but straws generally aren't recycled because the plants reject them - they apparently fall through conveyor belts, sorting, etc. I assume cause jams. Perhaps there's something that could be done about that.
Another reason recycling plants reject straws is they sometimes have sticky substances on them. Again, perhaps there is something that could be done about that at plants.
Another one - irony alert- recycling plants reject straws bc they're too small quantity of plastic
Climate crisis so⬇️
Fossil fuels bit problem so⬇️
Reduce cars?
Adds Uber/Lyftt 🤔
Ban yachts? Ban private planes? Ban tourist helicopter tours?🙅🏻‍♂️
Ban straws?
♿️But wait - tiny, minuscule % of plastic which itself is very small % of fossil fuel* use (*natural gas)
*big* not bit
Additional context.
My city - a city in throws of overdose crisis, housing crisis, where the annual rent of a one bedroom apt is almost twice my annual income on disability benefits…is hanging a giant chandelier under a bridge.
I've already had a few sincere folks wanting to understand ask about why 'disabled people can ask for straws by request' isn't good enough so, Disability Twitter please help explain if you want.

In meantime I'll post some links of previous threads.
And please DO remember that the first time the City of Vancouver did their consultations they decided to alter their report after a petition from 100 restaurant owners who are selling glass straws.
The bending over backwards to accommodate businesses while really not engaging at all in any meaningful way with disabled people in this city - sell-outs don't count - tells you who/what is valued. It's not environment they care about & it's definitely not disabled people.
OMG I just had one of those lightbulb moments. OMG this is one of those obvious but also just crystallized things.

I have actual goosebumps right now.

OK this is major (and again also obvious and why didn't I see this before)...
I've talked about some of the history as to how disability rights got derailed in Canada by mobile telethon and as a result we didn't get something like ADA here.
But much later and more recently some provinces did pass accessibility laws & federal govt just passed a very limited in scope,

So whenever I ask disability advocates why they don't fight for something with stronger enforcement they say "ADA made Americans hate accessibility."
But here's lightbulb moment which now feels less dramatic - at first I said, 'Oh please. Who cares?'
But now I'm realizing: They hate accessibility bc they hate disabled ppl & US crips can handle that & but good tip Cdns can't. Our national pastime is pretending we're all nice
Some would rather not have accessibility than have to face fact that some ableds hate us. They hate that we are different & need things they don't. They hate how we move, how much space we need, how we take 'too long'. They really hate how we look. That's uncomfortable to face.
So rather than face reality head on, take it on the jaw, bring it on - which is what we need to do bc this is something we need to stand up to not shirk away from or avoid - they hope they can maybe tolerate (accessibility) us if we don't ask for too much & our nice.
So many typos. But the point is the straw ban is calling people out. People are showing themselves all over the damn place. It's going to messy. It's going to be uncomfortable and all of it is very much necessary because the discomfort you are facing when you face it is ableism.
Straw ban is fundamentally a moment in which ableds will either listen and respect disabled people, our humanity, our knowledge, our needs and our rights *even* tho they are not the same as theirs...or not.
It is a vote.
In the words of Florence Reece - which side are you on?
If you hate accessibility needs of disabled people you hate disabled people.

Ableds and disabled people would benefit from not trying to sugar coat that.

Straws are an accessibility issue. You hate them. You hate me. You ban them. You ban disabled people.
'By request' is bs.
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