So many ppl don't get why food is so fucking expensive in the North. This is def tied in with the ever popular anti-seal hunt bullshit. Here is a tiny primer on why you are a racist dick-bag for being anti-seal hunting:
First of all, there is aaaaabsolutely no reason for the absurd food prices in the North. Food stuffs are always imported. This isn't a logistics issue. Food gets shipped across Canada EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. This aint a logistics issue.
Food in the North is expensive purely bcs or racism. Racism? Yeah, fucking anti-Indigenous racism! You can ship a pile of onions to BC with no issue but shipping them above the CAN-US border is a huge gas issue for planes? OK.
The fact is that food is waaaaaay more expensive in Native communities. The more North you go, the more expensive. The political ramifications of Indig sovereignty of their lands where NNs dont wanna live anyway is obv.
WHITES DONT WANNA LIVE HERE. There are whole campaigns with govt funding to get NNs to live in the North. Again, an area where we THRIVE and love living in, white ppl are being paid to live here. Hmmm. 🤔🤔🤔
If you're still devil's advocating at this point, lemme spell it out for you. There are legit govt programs to make food more ✌️🏾affordable✌️🏾in the North. So what's the problem? lol you already know. Capitalism.
The govt literally spends BIG MONEY(aka undisclosed amounts) to "subsidize" food that is sold in the North. It's a big joke. It's called "Northern Store" and their main purpose is to exploit Indig ppl.
Northern Store absorbs the subsidy and still charges these absurd food costs on Indig ppl. They don't stop here tho. NS also will charge $100++++ to do your taxes, including keeping your personal info to sell. Exploiting Indig ppl is their bread and butter.
Sooooo, who is Northern Store? It's Loblaws. In other places it's all the grocery store chains that you use every single day. lol is this a joke? Yeah, there's nothing to boycott bcs it's everybody.
this is how colonization works. Exploitation of Indig ppl is BUILT INTO the govt. Money is always there for anyone willing to take advantage of native folks. This is how the system works.
How is this tied into seal hunts? It may sound archaic, but the govt has tried to stifle Indig access to our food since they showed up. They LITERALLY exterminated an entire species to starve NDNs off our land. In the south, our hunting rights are severely monitored.
I don't live above the tree line, but I was raised knowing that our rights to hunt deer and moose are restricted by ppl from Ottawa who don't live here and have no clue beyond their data of animal populations.
The more north you travel, the more restricted Indig folks are to hunt our lands. This ain't a joke. Hunting and fishing rights are part of our agreements for this exact reason. Starving NDNs off the land is Colonization 101.
Being anti-seal hunt is racist. Trying to control Indig hunting rights is racist. This is how colonization works. Y'all are taught from birth to sympathize with animals that Indig folks hunt. It's deliberate propaganda.
Oh! I forgot to mention that Northern Store is a dumping ground for big chain grocery stores. They will dump all their expired, damaged, rotten food into these stores. Like, they can't legally sell these foods in the south so they ship em to Northern Stores and charge x100+
Like, some of yall in the city already know how grocery stores will shuffle older food to their discount chain stores. No frills? lol Those foods continue to get shipped around and end up in the North, being sold as $250 for a box of chicken nuggets.
Again, food is constantly shipped all over Canada. The fact that food being shipped North is magically priced way higher is RACISM.

If you are anti-seal hunt, you are a giant bag of pink (white) dicks lol It's so disgusting to have to deal with these dumb af randos trying to tell you to be vegan or not hunt bleh bleh bleh etc 4 ever
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