Yesterday I was honored to sub at last minute for #socialmedia expert @MonaShattell at the 1st @LgbtqNursing #LGBTQHealthSummit. I had 10m to dicuss how platforms like Twitter can be tools for emancipatory transformation of #LGBTQHealth

Here's what I said (a thread & slides)⬇️
2/ I started with this:

"Imagine it is one year from today - November 21, 2020. The #LGBTQHealthSummit came & went, folx had a great time, but outside of a few papers & research collabs w/in this group of attendees, NOTHING ELSE about #LGBTQHealth has changed. Why did we fail?"
3/ Folx had lots of ideas about why the #LGBTQHealthSummit might have failed to create any meaningful change & impact on #LGBTQHealth 1 yr from now. Replies included: "Because I live in the south"; "Because #nurses [who aren't LGBTQ+] aren't motivated"; & "the NCLEX" were offered
4/ Yes, there are some serious #structural barriers to emancipatory transformation of #LGBTQHealth in #nursing. The #matrixofdomination (created by Dr. Patricia Hill Collins) helps explain connections between #oppression & #privilege that maintain status quo

5/ The #MatrixofDomination helps explain why it is NOT ENOUGH for ppl already invested in transformation of #LGBTQHealth (e.g.attendees of #LGBTQHealthSummit) to work on this. We need ppl who DON'T perceive or care about current harm to get invested. That's where Twitter comes in
6/ Twitter & other #socialmedia, when used responsibly & strategically, can be POWERFUL tools for emancipatory work at #LGBTQHealthSummit. I shared an ex from last year's @GoogleWalkout, where workers were able to catalyze HUGE attention to support action 
7/ Organizers from @GoogleWalkout shared 11 #socialmedia rules to catalyze #emancipatory transformation by raising visibility, connecting w/ resources & drawing new ppl into the mvmt. The top 3 were:
1. Show AND Tell
2. Keep up momentum
3. Remain #accessible
9/ Process begins by choosing your Twitter handle (username). As @MonaShattell et al discuss it can be issue-based, reflect your name, or possibly your org. For ex, award-winning #nurseblogger @Radical_Nurses or @MGHTransHealth NP-extraordinaire @DallasDucar #LGBTQHealthSummit
10/ Then you sign up for Twitter! The process is fast & easy, no payment necessary. It will ask for your name & phone number (to verify the account) but you can also substitute an email (even one you never use!) for the phone number.
11/ Twitter helps you learn about resources, policy & research relevant to #LGBTQHealthSummit, both within #nursing (like Dr. @dtdangerfield's work with Black #gay men & MSM) and OUTSIDE #nursing, like @merbroussard's recent article about ways #datascience is failing #NB folx
12/ Then you write a short profile, which can always be edited. You can introduce yourself, list keywords or passions, and link to websites like a faculty profile. These are two Twitter bios of people I learn from regularly on Twitter: @DrSamiSchalk & @schock

13/ Without a profile pic, your acct may be ignored/blocked, so adding a profile photo is a good idea. BUT #facialrecognition is pretty evil so it doesn't have to be an *actual* photo of your face! Check out @kimikotobimatsu whose account is all illustrated. ⬇️ #LGBTQHealthSummit
14/ The last (& most exciting!) step to joining Twitter per @MonaShattell et al: "Search, Follow, & Watch!" Use Twitter to share your message, your stories, your motivation. SHOW in pictures when you can. But ALSO *remember*...
(back to #MatrixofDomination)
15/ Twitter is an awesome tool for LEARNING, without putting extra burden on others to teach you. Brilliant beautiful people put stuff out there daily & their words will expand your consciousness. When following ppl, think not only about perspectives you want, but ones you NEED.
16/ Here are perspectives I didn't even know I needed til I found them through Twitter: @ruha9 & @tuckeve. Then I looked to see who *they* follow b/c its a good bet those are perspectives I could use as well. The work of these scholars is vitally important to #LGBTQHealthSummit
17/ Proviso: If you're a person within the #LGBTQHealth movement who benefits from privilege (esp cis white abled) DON'T go throwing yourself into the mentions of Black, Indigenous, POC, trans, NB & disabled folx who *don't know you*. Don't make them manage or perform for you.
18/ And don't forget to remain #ACCESSIBLE! One way is by making your images readable. You can do that by going to your Account, click on Settings, then choose "Accessibility". This will open a window where you can select "Compose Image Descriptions". Done! #LGBTQHealthSummit
20/ Oh yeah one last thing -use Twitter to #AmplifyNursing but especially, and again - if you're someone who receives protection from or benefits from systems of domination & oppression w/in the #LGBTQHealth movement, also use Twitter to AMPLIFY voices other than your own. K Thx!
21/ Oh & also use your power and resources to disrupt and dismantle those systems of domination & oppression

See earlier thread about #intercessory organizing, here ⬇️

#LGBTQHealthSummit #CollectiveLiberation
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