It's that time of the year where I see lots of "call you family members out at the holidays" tweets, and let me make something very clear... You don't have to.

If you're unsafe, if you don't have the energy, if you need to keep your head down. You can. Eat your pie and go.
You don't owe anyone on Twitter a single goddamn thing. Don't let anyone make you feel like you MUST do something to prove your social justice prowess to toxic family members when you're forced/expected to spend time and share space with them, usually, against your will.
Eat your dinner. Enjoy the people you're there to enjoy. Engage in conversations if you can/want to and remember that these big, giant voices on Twitter do not know a single thing about you, your situation, your family or your mental health.

You. Don't. Owe. Anyone. Anything.
These typos will haunt me until Yule.
You can follow @taysalion.
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