THREAD: For those who have Bernie as their #1, if he knifed Biden and Warren like Tulsi cut Pete and Kamala? If Biden dropped out before Iowa, Bernie would be sitting at 35% support.

So what is your strategy? Asking others to drop out isn't it. That's Hillbot shit.
Talking policy is cool, but not when others are directly attacking or mimicking it who are both sitting at the top-tier with you. You can't talk policy all the time, just like you can't attack a candidate all the time (Clinton).

I say this as someone who still likes Bernie.
Certain indy media like TYT, Brooks and some other bad faith actors are misdirecting your energy towards people who are closer aligned than you. Meanwhile, Warren is propped up, giving 22 minutes to talk about nothing, and lie about M4A.

Bernie still calls her friend.
Then you get mad when Tulsi agrees with Ellen, (NOT Bush), and with Obama who's sentiment for THAT statement wasn't wrong, it just came from the wrong messenger.

You get mad at her but give Bernie a pass. Warren is around 20%, but you're mad at Tulsi?
Then, Biden says the dumbest shit like not legalizing weed, and recently said he would not stop criminalizing deportations. Oh, and still trashes M4A. Biden is a slam dunk for Bernie, by far the easiest person for him to deal with.

Biden is still here. WHY?
You then ask, "Why isn't Tulsi going after Biden?"
Maybe because she's too busy dealing with the threats of Pete and Kamala, who are tools but not stupid or in cognitive decline. A better question is why hasn't Bernie ended Biden's campaign yet?

You want her to do what he won't.
So if you feel the need to attack Tulsi while obfuscating about her and Bernie's record, and also beg her to be his attack dog, you're admitting that Bernie has flaws but you refuse to address them honestly.

If you want to lose, keep at it. You're doing great.
If you truly want Bernie to win, push him to do better. There's a reason Tulsi is the #1 most googled candidate every time she's on the stage. People don't know her and she's a fighter. People know, for better or worse, who Bernie is. They remember the pain of 2016.
They wanted him to challenge the DNC. He didn't.
They wanted him to stand up for Assange with his giant platform. He hasn't.
They wanted him to eviscerate Hillary. He didn't.
And now, because he won't be assertive about why he's the best, Biden and Warren continue to drag on.
I'm done rambling, but I'm also done giving him a pass. I know how Bernie used to feel about BOTH parties, and even third parties. I know that at least in his past, that he knew what the real issue was and still is.

Either that Bernie comes back or nothing comes of this run. END
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