When someone with a platform is right about something, be it a NeverTrumper or a Democratic candidate, it'd be nice if we could say so without being accosted with an avalanche of judgy attacks against the person's character or why we're horrible people for agreeing with them.
When I compliment or criticize one of the Dem candidates, it's not an endorsement of something else shitty they may have said. Likewise, when I tweet a well-worded alert by a NeverTrumper about the stakes of the crisis, I'm not defending that person's prior allegiances.
I can't repeat this enough: we're in an all-hands-on-deck emergency. The clown with the nuclear biscuit in his pocket is mentally incompetent--a few shitty days away from snapping. As patriots we all need to focus a little more on ending the crisis ASAP. Priorities, please. /rant
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