Since several people have asked/tagged me:
-KonMari is a great system that works for lots of people
-MK’s online store is not inherently contrary to her system
-She never said to get rid of all of your stuff
-Lots of the backlash against her is racist and xenophobic
-Her system is more Shintoism than minimalism
-Plenty of people use KonMari and UfYH together, some people find one system works better for them
-There’s room for all these systems because people are all different
-She seems lovely so please stop assuming I’m going to talk shit
(If you’re curious about the UfYH system, I have two books, one out now and one coming 1/7/20. I explore why we can’t keep our spaces clean, in the context of mental illness, disability, non-traditional households, etc.) 
You can follow @TeamUfYH.
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