As nonprofits come to rely on those donations, thay have even less power over the situation. Facebook can change the rules tomorrow and change them to whatever they want. For nonprofits who rely on this funding, this should be terrifying. 7/12
As Facebook becomes viewed more negatively in the marketplace, nonprofits are also going to suffer. For many young people, their only nonprofit giving experience will be through Facebook. Will they begin to associate the public scandals of Facebook with giving through it? 8/12
I believe that the fundraising happening right now on Facebook is doing a lot of good. But I do not believe Facebook is a good company and it will not put nonprofits interests ahead of its own. And what bad could happen? 9/12
Facebook could end fundraising tools tomorrow. It could jack up transaction fees to 10%. It could start paying nonprofits in Facebook currency to buy ads instead of giving over the money. 10/12
And why would we believe public pressure or government regulation will prevent these things? So to wrap up, nonprofits probably have to play because Facebook is here, the funding is real, and the opportunity it real. 11/12
But the risk is real too. And nonprofits need to fight to keep their own digital properties and their own donor relationships to protect against a company like Facebook that wants nonprofits to simply outsource these things so they can control them. 12/12
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