Today is the 56th anniversary of the death of JFK. For many years, people, myself included, accepted what we had been told regarding his death. Most notably, we accepted that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone by firing the shot that was heard around the world. We accepted this
because it's what the media and history books drove in to our heads. You have heard the old saying, repeat a lie often enough, and it becomes the truth, and for a great majority of us, a lie was the truth because it's all we ever knew. It's cliche but also an accurate
statement that the truth is stranger than fiction. The reality is, Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone, and if he acted at all, it was because he was the victim of the MK ultra program courtesy of the C_A, and part of a vast conspiracy to remove Kennedy from the political stage.
Those of us who are Q followers already know who was truly behind the assassination of the 35th President of the United States. We understand the enemy within our own government who could carry out an act of such reprehensible violence and magnitude. We understand because it
wasn't an isolated incident, nor did it stop in 1963. This group is literally responsible for every war that our country has been involved in and the attempt on President Ronald Reagan's life as well. Ask yourselves, what was the common denominator between who was present on
the grassy knoll that day in Dallas, who later headed up the C_A, and who was Vice President when Reagan was shot. The answer lies therein.
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