@patel4witham You seem to have no understanding how your own policies cause poverty, let me try to explain.

15k support staff jobs lost

Removing mobility aids meaning the disabled have to give up their jobs

Don't worry there's more https://twitter.com/karamballes/status/1197791557992243200
When the state no longer provides adult care, ppl have to reduce hours or give up work without adequate financial support from the state.

When a SEND is deprived of education a parent has to give up work.

When preventative treatment are cut ppl get sick and have to give up work
When people suffer benefit sanctions because the Job Centre changed the appointment date and forgot to tell the person, they are left to starve

When ppl can't get mental health treatment their condition gets worse anf they have to leave work

See a pattern emerging?
When education starts treating students as data points to be fed into high stakes tests at a young age, and staff are deprofesionalised ppl get sick and have to leave work

When companies like Amazon exploit their staff they get sick and have to leave work
When a government gives a greenlight to treat pp as commodities, when dignity and respect are no longer deemes cost effective, we all get sick and either leave work or become less productive.
When those sitting on assets accumulating profit from funds generally gained via inheritance are praised as wealth creators while the workers whose labour generates the profits are told they need to be more flexible and give up employment rights to increase profit margins
Then we have a situation where the whole country becomes poorer while billions leave the economy to be stuffed in tax havens.

The strength of an economy is like blood in the body, the parts it doesn't reach atrophy and die.
We talk of the death of the high street, blaming business rates and the internet, have you ever considered that the reason could be that an ever increasing number of us haven't got any disposable income anymore?

No disposable income means businesses going bust = more poverty
The impact of austerity on the finances and health of many families and communities will cost us far more then any supposed savings that have been made, of course those savings have already been spent lowering taxes for 'wealth creators' at the cost of additional borrowing
We need a government that understands that it's greatest asset isnt unloyal billionaires or the monarchy and aristocracy, but the normal people who get up everyday to work hard.
A government that understands that the greatest investment is in ppls education,health and wellbeing
Athough History seems to say that Britain is great because of its entrenched establishment, the reality is that Britain is great because of the peoples' perseverance DESPITE the establishments attempts to keep us downtrodden
We need #RealChange,don't blame us for your choices
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