Thread on attack on Dharma and culture - Where does Sanskrit stand?

There have always been attempts to separate Hindu Dharma from Sanskrit. Similar attempt
is Tamil Nadu has been successful. We should look at the consequences. Tamil has been systematically established as 1/n
a language of non Hindus. Take the case of Thiruvalluvar. In some tradition, he was considered as an incarnation of Lord Shiva. But, today we have a debate to decide whether he was Hindu at all.The ruling party proudly says that Tamil is the oldest language of the world. 2/n
No matter how ridiculous it may sound but noone in the world objects to this statement. Neither the linguists, nor Islamists mind this statement.Christians welcome it. Why?It is because it has been separated from Hindu Dharma. Sangam literature is great because it is secular. 3/n
Had it been undisputedly proven Hindu, it wouldn't have been a part of legacy writers. Similarly, on the yoga day we heard that yoga has nothing to do with Dharma. This led to its acceptance by Islamic, Christian countries unequivocally. 4/n
So as long as anything remains as a symbol of Sanatan Dharma, it is despised. There is rampant hatred towards Sanatan Dharma. Since Sanskrit happens to be the main channel its expansion and communication, it is also under attack. Having said that, everyone knows that 5/n
Sanskrit is gold. Gold is seen as a symbol of financial injustice only till it is enemy's hand. Everyone wants it. So the attempt is to separate Sanskrit from Sanatan Dharma. The first step is to write misappropriated texts like Christogeeta, Christobhagvatam. The second is 6/n
to try and separate the Sanskrit literature from Hinduism. Then if it's successful, they'll say that Kalidas was not Hindu. The moment Patanjali is also dissociated, Sanskrit language, as intended by the Germans, would become a European language. It can then be made 7/n
not only Rashtrabhasha but Vishwabhasha. The whole debate around in linguistics community around Proto India Europen (PIE) would vanish and Sanskrit itself would be proven PIE. Therefore today the debate is not about future or existence of Sanskrit but the nonduality of 8/n
Sanatan Dharma and Sanskrit. Both are inseparable and synonymous. n/n
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