I’m going to make a point that may be controversial, but that I think is important.

When priests go to seminary, we are trained to be priests and how to act like priests.

We are not trained for leadership in the church, according to the mind of Christ.
But we are given leadership regardless, and we are left to fend for ourselves, to build up parishes without, frankly, much of a clue of how to lead like Christ.

And then some of these priests are made bishops, and sometimes even bishops are not taught how to lead.
So you exacerbate problems as guys grow older and are given more responsibility. Because we haven’t taught people to lead. Not according business jargon, but according to how Christ rules and leads.

This is something the church desperately needs to think about
Instead we just kinda hope guys figure it out and if they figure it out well enough, they can get other roles of leadership. But the standard practice is to fill holes without wondering if they can actually fulfill the role
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