The embedded thread dissected the mechanics of Donald Trump’s assault on the truth through the lens of “Fake News”, which, by definition, is a gaslighting attempt to alter society’s perception of reality. This thread dissects the mechanics of the Ukraine corruption "gaslight". 1/
To review and summarize the mechanics of the "Fake News" gaslighting: 2/
Predictably, we see a similar dynamic with Ukraine:

1) Trump corruptly bribed/extorted Ukraine, 2) claims he’s merely attempting to root out Ukrainian corruption, and 3) (along w/his sycophantic enablers) claims he’s innocently conducting (foreign policy) business-as-usual. 7/
Essentially, 1) Trump took corruption to a level not previously seen by a U.S. president, 2) claimed that everyone else is corrupt (Biden, Ukraine), and then 3) manufactured a gaslighting, alternate reality narrative that not only champions Trump as the “savior”..…8/
….who is rescuing everyone from a corrupt world, but that is simultaneously demonizing and destroying the American patriots who are courageously sacrificing their careers and their safety to expose Trump's corruption. 9/
Similar to the "Fake News" analysis above, the intended objective is 1) for the American people to not know who or what to believe, 2) for the American people to believe that everything is corrupt, therefore nothing is corrupt, and…..10/
…or 3) for Republicans to believe/accept that corruption is a necessary tactic to win/compete against "evil" enemies (Foreign countries/Democrats) who are corrupt…or that the Republicans are in a Darwinian fight for survival where corruption is a law of the political jungle.11/
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