Guess what time it is!
Bound!Bakugou X Dragon!Kiri NSFW 100 Follower Prize Thread!

That's a mouthful. xD Also, I'm over 150 followers now and I love every single one of you and I'm sorry it's taken so long to get this damn thing started. Seasonal depression can suck a dick.
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- Mentions of death and blood
- Bakugou's a slave
- Monster fuckies
- Size difference
- I'll add more if I think of them. :3

Please please PLEASE Quote Retweet to Comment! Regular comments break the thread.
Thank you, and hope you enjoy!
The price for murder was death.
They’d chanted it at him for hours, “Death, death, kill him!”, “Die!”, “Child killer!”, “Murderer!”, “Burn him!”.

Katsuki bit his tongue and stared resolutely forward.
He’d given up trying to defend himself. They’d taken one look at the blood on his hands and decided his fate; nothing he could say would be enough to sway the bloodlust curdling in their hearts.
It didn’t matter that he’d seen a dying child on the roadside and done his best to ease their pain.
It didn’t matter that he’d chased the killer down and slashed his laughing throat.
It didn’t matter that he was fucking innocent.
Pain blossomed across his cheek and Katsuki snarled, wrenching against the bindings at his back. Another rock and then another hurtled towards him and he turned away as best he could, hunching tight against the etched stone pillar.
The crowd had moved from hurling words to hurling stones. He wasn’t sure which hurt more.

He was used to both.
And then, all at once, they stopped.
A cold shadow crawled across his back, blotting out the afternoon sun and silencing the mob.
Katsuki grit his teeth against the sound of grinding rock, the smell of heady incense; ash black smoke curled along the ground and licked at the crowd’s legs like hungry eels.
He caught the shimmer and flash of rough onyx scales coiling sinuous and slow around the clearing; great branching antlers of frozen quartz and a deep red core glowing hot like a forge fire.
/The Mountain Spirit/.
“You killed a man on my mountain, human. Do you deny it?”

The hollow bone rattle and hot breath against his neck sent an undesired shiver down Katsuki’s spine.
“I killed a murderer,” he managed, choking on the thick miasma of coal dust and wood smoke, “I did these sorry fuckers a favor!”
The spirit hummed, its throat drumming like rocks down a hillside. “Still, you did kill. Why should I excuse one murder for another?”

Katsuki could feel the cool press of talons against his neck.
He took as steadying a breath as he could manage, ignoring the burn in his lungs and the overwhelming presence around him. He was fucking innocent, dammit!

“I was too late.”
Blood trickled slowly behind his ear, winding down a heavily scarred back.

“I heard the kid scream and I was too fucking late. The bastard gutted her before I could reach them.”
A‌ whip thin tongue snaked between his shoulder blades, lapping at the blood, and he strained hard against the bindings.

“Continue, human.”
Katsuki could hear the crowd shuffling nearby, could hear their panicked whispers and cries as they stood huddled in the dark of the spirit’s hulking form.
He took a certain degree of twisted pleasure in knowing its attention was on him, the fucked up slave that couldn’t keep his mouth shut and his head down.
“She was a slave, like me. A nobody.” Katsuki said, voice harsh as the tongue curled along the nape of his neck. “No one would care that she’d fucking died. So I went after him. If the damn city guard wouldn’t, I would.”
He opened his mouth to say more when he heard a familiar whistle and thud.

Claws like sickles sliced through stone above his head with water ease. The very air shook with the force of the spirit's sudden rage.


Shit shit shit.
Katsuki ducked to run, bound hands be damned; with the pillar broken, this was his one chance to–
A great, wave of black rock rose towards him, rushing with all the ferocity of an untamed river.


A tail. It was the spirit’s fucking tail?!
He sank on his heel and kicked to the side, running hard in an attempt to outpace the beast.

He wasn’t going to make it.

The end curled towards him, a literal web of razor edged obsidian blades.

Katsuki dodged back, pissed that he was so easily being herded back towards the spirit’s claws and teeth. It had circled him without even trying, all while fighting who even knew how many city guard.
A‌ stray arrow clipped his calf and he staggered. He tried to catch himself with tied hands and ended up plowing into the ground with his shoulder.
(Remember, QRT's sustain me. 💜 I love knowing what you guys think, otherwise I'm just writin' blind.)
Immediately he was surrounded. The beast’s body was smotheringly hot and rumbling like the worst summer storm.

It… was protecting him?
Katsuki worked himself onto his back and found himself facing the brilliant red core he’d spotted earlier.
A shimmering, molten crystal twisting through hundreds of different shapes as if it couldn’t make up its mind, all caged within a jagged lattice of scales he could have sworn were made from frozen smoke. It was the most precious and beautiful thing he’d ever laid eyes on.
Gods above, he wanted to touch it.
The spirit shifted suddenly, lunging up and right, somehow careful not to crush him.

He heard the faint scream of a horse and the tremor of falling trees and figured he was honestly good where he was.
The rush of chilled air as the beast moved away set his head spinning and he stared dizzily at the sky. His lungs were burning and his arms were numb and-


He mumbled, even as the stars grew hazy round the edges.

“Fucking spirit and his shitty fucking smoke…”

Katsuki woke in a rush.
He fought back the instinctive urge to move and steadied his breathing, listening carefully to the noise that had woken him; a low, rhythmic thrumming pulsed through the air, so deep he could feel it more than hear it.
The sound reminded him of war drums in winter, a steady pounding heard for miles over the frozen landscape, haunting and echoey and impossible to track down. A shiver clawed down his spine and he furiously pushed back the memories bubbling to the surface.
Now wasn’t the time to chase the past.
Katsuki rolled his shoulders and focused on the aches blooming across his body. The metal bindings remained tight around his wrists, but his feet were free.

Wherever he was, no one had bothered to secure him further.
He opened his eyes cautiously, taking care to remain still as he catalogued his surroundings. He’d expected the military barracks, or a slaver’s pit.

This was… not that.
The space was cavernous and bright, lit by an immense glass dome above. Creeping vines and ivy ran along the metal struts holding it fast to the surrounding rock. Pillars of etched red stone flanked the walls, each larger around than four men.
Everything about the place was mammoth, and he felt unusually small within it.
At least he was alone.

Small blessings.
Katsuki rolled into a sitting position and stared at the colorfully embroidered pillows beneath him. He was on a short raised dias, its sunburst arms surrounded by a low pool of still water. Intricate blue glass tiles flickered below the surface.
The heavy shivering thrum still beat around him, vibrating his bones and setting his teeth on edge.

As beautiful as this place was, it was equally terrifying.
"You've woken. Good."
Katsuki tensed and jerked unsteadily to his feet, steadfastly ignoring the wave of dizziness and pain. His vision swam as he snarled, facing the mountain spirit with all the viciousness of a flea.
It coiled silently between the pillars, red eyes dark and contemplative. Faint smoke shimmered around its feet, trembling in the air, and Katsuki realized that the noise was coming from the spirit itself.
“What the fuck do you want with me?” He demanded, cringing at the threadiness of his voice. His throat felt raw and dry and his gaze flickered towards the pool. He hadn’t been allowed water before his execution and he had no idea how long he’d been unconscious.
Katsuki’s heart clattered to a stop as he looked back up.

He was eye to eye with the spirit.
“I want you, Bakugou Katsuki.”
It circled him slowly, tracing heavy talons along his chest and shoulders. The rasp of sliding scales was hypnotic, dreamlike, and Katsuki found himself leaning into the touch, shivering against the icy drag against his skin.
“Will you give yourself to me, little human?”
Katsuki pulled away harshly, trembling. “Fuck you! Why the hell would I?” He spat, breath ragged. “You really think I want to be some shitty spirit’s slave?!”
“I’m not about to trade one master for another you asshole! I’d rather fucking die!”

The thrumming stopped short, leaving the two of them in silence, and Katsuki found himself missing the noise; he felt naked and exposed without it.
“I don’t want that, Katsuki,” the spirit leaned down, trapping Katsuki’s face between its claws, “I don’t want a slave. I want you.”
Slowly, almost hesitantly, the spirit licked along his cheek. “I want a partner. It’s lonely here, Katsuki,” the tongue snaked across his jaw and throat, wrapping teasingly around his neck before wandering lower,
“The world fears me, runs from me, cowers at the foot of my mountain. They praise me with the same breath they curse me."

Teeth longer than Katsuki's forearm nip at this shirt, tearing it away with surprising delicacy.
Katsuki hissed at the hot breath along his chest, straining uselessly against his shackles. He could feel the bubbling warmth settling in his gut, the flush of warmth in his face.

“Why me?” He managed, abs tight as a drum as the spirit’s tongue traced the pale hair there.
“You’re honest and wild and strong. You’d spit in the face of a god if it gave you the chance.” The spirit rumbled, rolling its serpent gaze up to Katsuki’s own. “You’re beautiful.”
Cool talons settled around his hips and Katsuki bucked, body shivering. He didn’t know if he wanted to push into the feeling or pull away.

“Please, Katsuki, let me have you.”
He forced himself to breathe, to fucking /think/ for a minute, and stared up at the glass dome. Wispy clouds drifted across the sky and he briefly wondered just where this temple was.

“Partners?” He asked, frowning.
“Yes. Partners, equals, mine and yours. I do not want to stand above you, Katsuki,” it traced its claws down his thighs reverently, “I‌ want you beside me.”
Maybe he’d lost his mind in the execution square, maybe he was already dead, or maybe this was some gods-given dream that he’d wake up from later and curse his life anew… but maybe this was real.

And fuck him if he was going to pass up an opportunity.
Katsuki grinned, sharp toothed and feral. “No going back, spirit. You’re mine now.”
A booming growl rattled low in the beast’s throat and he shredded the thin cotton clinging to Katsuki’s legs. “Eijirou,” he rumbled, rolling onto his back and lifting Katsuki to his chest, “Use my name.”
Katsuki bit back a curse as Eijirou threaded his tongue around Katsuki’s cock, body arching into the sudden wet grip. Smooth scales slid beneath his thighs as Eijirou breathed, teasing the coil of heat pooling in his gut.
He could feel the radiating heat of the spirit’s core just behind him, its red glow lighting his pale skin, and he shuddered at the overwhelming flood of sensations.
The intoxicating scent of incense and smoke flowed around him, cradled him, filled his lungs. It was different this time; not the acrid, bitter sharpness from the execution square, but something smoother, like mulled cider and honey.
It set his nerves alight with pleasure and he moaned unabashedly.

Eijirou’s tongue curled down his shaft and teased at his balls, rolling them slowly, torturously.
The spirit spun him suddenly, pulling him close, breath hot and humid against Katsuki’s back. His grip tightened around Katsuki’s thigh, bordering on painful, and he choked out a ragged gasp, feeling the pinprick of blood welling along his skin.
“Tell me who hurt you,” Eijirou’s pleased purr had dropped to a dark resounding rumble, “tell me who would dare lay a hand on you.”
The spirit traced thick corded scars with gentle claws, memorizing every whip rake and raw welt, seared brand and slaver’s ink before circling the metal shackles at Katsuki’s wrists.

“Tell me so I may kill them.”
Katsuki dug deep crescents into his palms, hunching into himself protectively. "It doesn't matter."

Eijirou's bass growl said otherwise.

"Most of them are dead now anyways." He looked over his shoulder, brow tight. "Why do you care?"
The spirit sighed and lay back, though his talons kept at their gentle caress. They’d moved to the bloom of bruised skin on Katsuki’s calf, the raw tear from the guard’s arrow.

"What was done to you was wrong. You should never have been treated so poorly."
Then, quieter, "Is it so hard to believe that I'd be angry about the life you were forced to live?"

Yes, fuck, it was hard to believe.
Katsuki couldn’t help it. He laughed. It was a cruel, empty, self-loathing sound.

The whole situation was absurd.

A spirit, interested in him? Katsuki?

Shit, it was fucking hilarious.
He was a nothing slave, a branded piece of property to be passed from hand to hand, born into a world that demanded his obedience and claimed his body for its use.
He’d built temples to ignorant gods, fought on the front lines of pointless wars, killed for masters that couldn’t be bothered to learn his name and been whored out to warm more beds than he could count.
But never, not once in his life, had someone actually /cared/ about him.
“You hardly know me. Gods, you just fucking met me! Don’t pretend like you give a damn!” Katsuki wrenched his leg from the spirit's grip, trying desperately to pull away, gain some control.

Fuck, he'd gotten so wrapped up in a few pretty words that he'd forgotten his place.
Eijirou snarled and caged him in, dragging Katsuki back onto his rumbling chest. His hold was firm, though careful. “I never lie,” he hissed, pressing his snout into Katsuki’s balled fists, “but if I‌ have to show you my sincerity, so be it.”
The spirit shoved a palm into Katsuki’s back and forced him flat, legs spread wide across smooth scales. His breath left him in a rush and felt himself whimper. Gods, he hadn’t even known he could make that sound.
“I’ll show you everyday,” Eijirou whispered, tracing his tongue up Katsuki’s calf, “as often as you need,” across the hard muscle of his thigh, “as many times as you want,” along the smooth curve of his ass, “until you finally believe me.”
He slipped his tongue down to Katsuki’s hole, held him steady as he slowly worked his way in.

Katsuki couldn’t help the guttural moan that punched out of him.
He pressed back onto the searing heat, lifted his hips as high as he could manage and panted. His body had been ready since the first low rumble of Eijirou’s voice at the execution square but this, this was so much better than he’d anticipated.
Every slow drag against his rim set his skin vibrating, every flick along his insides was torturous. Eijirou pushed steadily deeper, rolling his tongue against spots that left Katsuki breathless. And then the spirit curled the tip and thrust hard against his prostate.
Katsuki keened, jerking against Eijirou’s iron grip, sudden tears pricking at his vision. His arms pulled uselessly at his bonds, desperate to grab hold of something, anything, to ground himself.

Eijirou hummed darkly and did it again.
And again and again and again, until Katsuki could hardly breathe past the garbled string of “Please, oh gods don’t stop, fuckin– Shit! Harder dammit, please!”
His cock wept heavy and red beneath him, sliding torturously against Eijirou’s scales in a lewd mix of pre and spit; it was too much and not nearly enough. He wanted more, /needed/ more.
“Look at you,” Eijirou rumbled, swirling his tongue slowly as he pulled it free, “you’re gorgeous.” He slipped a palm beneath Katsuki’s chest and lifted him, ignoring his shout of dismay. “I’m so damn lucky.”
Body still reeling, chest heaving, Katsuki forced himself to glare at the too smug spirit. “The fuck is wrong with you?! Finish what you started you asshole!”

“Oh, I will, don’t worry.”

Eijirou dropped Katsuki onto the nearby cushions, smiling dangerously down at his little human, “I’m going to ruin you.”
He tugged at Katsuki’s wet rim with a dark claw and smoothed his tongue along his jaw, between the rise of his pecs, down to the neglected, leaking cock below. Tendrils of inky smoke ghosted across Katsuki’s body, featherlight and shivery against his flushed skin.
They curled around his throat, teased his nipples to hardened peaks, trailed over his legs like whispery kisses.

It was overwhelming.
He was engulfed in the shadow of Eijirou’s presence, the heavy heated weight above him, around him, filling his lungs. The spirit’s scent was stronger now, thicker, intoxicating;
Katsuki could /feel/ his limbs relaxing as he breathed it in, like a rush of warm water poured through his tendons. His head lolled back against the pillows and he chased the returning molten heat in his gut.
Eijirou’s purr deepened, vibrating through Katsuki’s bones as the spirit’s tongue wrapped tighter around his cock, licking up the beading pre gathered at the head. Every inch of him thrummed with pleasured energy; a piece of flint waiting for the fire strike.
A coil of thick smoke pressed in around the claw at Katsuki’s hole, filling him suddenly and he shouted, back lifting off the cushions in a tight arch. “Fuck Eijirou!”

He was so close, so damn /close/.
“Katsuki,” his name dripped like honey from Eijirou’s jaws, “you used my name.”

And in that moment, he forgot how to breathe.
Eijirou pressed a massive hand to Katsuki's chest, pinning him forcefully to the cushions, and dined. Drool pooled like lava down his legs, obscene and glorious as the spirit's tongue sped up.
It was too much, far too much.

He swallowed down another shout, mouth wide, eyes rolled back in bliss. /Nothing/ had ever felt like this before.

He swore he was going to shake apart.
"Say it again, little human."

"Eijirou, fuuuuuck, Eijirou!" he heard himself whine, a high, pitched sound of pure want, "Please!"

Katsuki bucked hard, writhing uselessly against Eijirou's palm. He was right on the edge but he could /feel/ something holding him back, denying his body release.

"Damnit Eijirou! Let me cum!"
The spirit hummed, shaking the air with its laughter. "I'm not sure you deserve it. You did kill a man on my mountain, after all."
Eijirou tightened the claws around Katsuki's chest, enjoying the creak of his ribs and the wanton moan that spilled from his lips. "Do you apologize, Katsuki?"
Fuck that! He wasn't... he'd done nothing wrong! "Asshole! I'm not fucking apologizing for- SHIT!" His words slipped into a shout as Eijirou drove his claw deep into Katsuki's hole, spreading him ruthlessly.
His body tensed, shivery and tight, but still he sat on the edge. Tears flowed down Katsuki's cheeks and he sobbed. He craved the release, /needed/ it.

"Apologize, Katsuki."
"I'm-" He bit down on his traitorous tongue, tasted hot iron. It only served to feed the coiling heat between his legs. Gods, it wasn't fair!

Smoke feathered across his face, stroking him gently, and he broke.
"I'm sorry, Eijirou! Please, I'm sorry!"

He barely heard the spirit's pleased rumble over the white noise in his veins. His legs kicked out, pressed him harder against tongue and claws and screamed.
He was numb to the world, lost in the searing heat as it snapped through him, pulled him apart, threatened to melt his bones. His balls ached as they emptied onto Eijirou's waiting tongue; every pulse set him shivering against the talon in his guts.
It was too much. /Gods/ it was too much.

He was only human, after all.

🌋 Chapter 1 has been edited and added to Ao3! 🌋
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