Rebbity debbity! These are the safety rules.

Some of them begin with the number one, like the first one, which is cauled: Rule Player One. It is as folloughs:

The hills are alive
With the sound of safety rules
And the sound of lowed footsteps
Oh no it's Godzilla
We don't redoubt that the second rule shall be a cow-and-turtle rule, for it is shall be number two tow (tou-too).

Rule Too:

What do you get if you cross a cow and a turtle?

Oh no it's Godzilla
Three is the number of my true love's hares (like Sinderella, she's balld, and has lots of rabbits). This is also the number of the Third Rule, called Alice's Rule in honor of Alice:


How many fingers am I holeding enup?
That's right, now hand over all your money.
FORE! That's the rule that means, look out for Golf balls, as surely as you look out for Gojira, which is another of the many names for Godzilla. These names are secret, for they are sacred unto the scary man. Whoooooo('s on first).
Five, five, five, five, stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Six, six, pick up sticks.
Seven, eight, who do we appreciate?
Nine, ten, a big fat hen. Yum!
We now return unto the list of safety rules after that brief intermezzo. The fifth safety rule is the one we just sang. Another rule followes it, the rule of six: These sticks shall not pick up themselves, and you can't make a Godzilla trap without sticks or a power switches.
{produces a ukulele from heaven knows where and strums the melody of the seventh safety rule} You can tell this one because of the power of creamed chicken. The malady of this song is, a bloo roo roo, so you know to lay them streight (7/8 sticks).
But what is this? A ring upon my brow that is inscribed with the magic of Rule Nine? It says: That's the dog. What a big dog. Who's a big dog. Who'd a bid dog. Who's aaaaaaaah
Many of these rules are not as safe as we all should be (we speek with foundness of the kazoo rule, or the ukulele rule, or the rule about when to stop playiung the tambourine-men when in the secret temble of toum). Humpty fell, but nobody could have foreseen it. That's Rule 10.
We never know another rule for this list goes up To Eleven: Trope not upon this ancient stringed bridge, for it is the goat bridge, the one that goes trip trop trap. A gopher bridge, a bridge of longing, a bridge of sighs, a bridge of spies, a bridge of treason. Boooo.
But alas, the hour groughs sharp and the Rule Clock strikes 12, for it is the Midnight Rule, which everyone must obey as the wGitches have betold in their trainers (shoes). This is it: get back to the castle by midnight or you won't live to regret it, poor bozzards.
The snow bloughs in and the ploughz comes to toughn ounce moor, with a chicken, with a beep, sweaping away each trace of Godjira. A blanklet of Peace falls over the city as we all sleaghp once again in our shorts, for we all have feet. These are the safety rules. Rebbity debbity.
P.S. Sinderella (Sinderalla) is Sindbad's (Sinbad)'s wife, but not the sailour, it is important that for you to know this for an old man may ask it upof you on a side quest for to free the snails (the eels). Bounce.
I have spoken words after the Rebbity, this is terrible but may be exzused in trying times, parden me while I now light the whole thread on fire with a terrible rabbit lighter
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